Welcome to the CZECH REPUBLIC section homepage. Expat articles, guides, interviews and more! Currently we have 5 articles filed under CZECH REPUBLIC...

19 Nov at 9 AM

Ukrainian Expat Living in Czech Republic - Interview with Yuliya

Yuliya has been on the move since 17. While living in London she met her husband who was a student in the same Uni. Originally from Moscow, he came to UK when he was 12. They've been together for almost ten years now, sharing expat experiences in UK, Germany, China, Russia and now in Czech Republic. Their two daughters are tiny expats as well...
13 Nov at 9 AM

Latvian Expat Living in Czech Republic - Interview with Olga

Olga Loucka is a blogger at She studied and lived in England, the Netherlands and Czech Republic. She studied international law at AAU university in Prague, obtained her Masters in Marketing from Ashworth University and received a degree in Nutrition, Diet and Health Scence. Since 1999 she has been residing in Prague...
22 Oct at 9 AM

Irish Expat Living in Czech Republic Interview with James

James is a 29 year old Irish man currently living in the Czech town of Pardubice. Before moving to the Czech Republic he worked in retail in Dublin. He has a degree in Journalism from Dublin City University and is a passionate photographer. He started his blog soon after moving to Pardubice in order to document life as an expat in the Czech...
4 Nov at 5 PM

Canadian Expat Living in Czech Republic, Interview with Kevan

Kevan is a former graphic designer who, partly for career change reasons, relocated to the Czech Republic in 2004 and became an English teacher. Meeting a significant number of foreigners who visited the Czech Republic but unfortunately never set foot outside of Prague, in combination with being badgered for the better part of a year by a...
14 Dec at 9 AM

England to Czech Republic - Expat Interview With Jo

Having been sent to Prague by the company that she was working for at that time, just a short time after Czechoslovakia (as it was then) went through its 'Velvet Revolution' in 1989, Jo Weaver felt that her initial three weeks' stay was more than enough in a place that she describes as being, at that time, a bit like landing on the moon. ...
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