British expats in Spain warned over staggering increase in knife crime

Published:  2 Jan at 6 PM
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As if the huge increase in drug-related gun violence in many popular Spanish retirement havens wasn’t enough, the region is now experiencing a sudden rise in knife-related violence.

Along with the threat of Brexit and the huge increase in mob-related violence, British expats living in Spain are now seeing increasing reports of knife attacks taking place all across the country. According to media reports, incidents of knife crime have seen a significant rise over the past three years and are especially related to gangs of youths. Statistics suggest the wave of attacks resembles the increase in UK knife crime over the past decade.

Spain’s major cities have witnessed the highest number of stabbings, with Madrid and Barcelona seeing knives used in brawls, homicides and robberies. Increased penalties have been introduced in the hope of reducing knife crime, but seem to have had little effect. Over the past year, Barcelona’s tourist footfall has decreased significantly due to bad publicity, affecting the city’s economy and harming its reputation as a popular European visitor hub.

The Spanish government’s take on the issue is that knife-carrying thieves are operating without fear due to a law detailing the theft of property worth up to €400 is considered a misdemeanor rather than a crime, but other organisations believe the increase is down to an influx of young, single Moroccans and other Northern African migrants. Police responses to these racial accusations state a huge majority of immigrants are totally uninvolved in any kind of criminality.

It seems the problem isn’t confined to Spain’s mega-cities, as Magaluf on Mallorca as well as several popular mainland coastal cities are also experiencing a frightening increase in knife crime. Magaluf police are urging British parents to warn their teenaged children about knife-related violence before they decide to visit the island, and even Madrid’s New Year’s Eve festivities were marred by four vicious knife attacks. Apparently, police are totally at a loss when asked for reasons behind the increase in violent crime.
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