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31 May at 9 AM

From Virginia to Niteroi - Expat Interview With C The Gringa

C is an American expat currently living in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and writing a blog, Brasil! Pra mim... which is full of observations about moving to and living in Brazil. C blogs at Brasil! Pra mim... (see listing here) Meet C - US Expat in BrazilHere's the interview with C... Where are you originally from? I'm originally from...
30 May at 9 AM

British Expat Living in France - Interview With Anneli

Anneli moved to France 6 years ago with her husband. Her love affair with France began some years before when her parents-in-law moved to Gascony and she began to holiday there annually. Having come from a hectic job at MTV, based in London, she felt it was time to change her life and settle somewhere quieter and start a family. She now lives...
29 May at 9 AM

From Northern Ireland to USA - Expat Interview With Lasairiona

Lasairiona met a guy at a hockey game who told her they couldn't be together if she wasn't prepared for the possibility of a trans-Atlantic move, to which she replied, 'well now you have to take me'. True to his word, in 2009 he swept her across the pond as a 'trailing girlfriend' to Houston, Texas where they have lived in blistering Texas...
28 May at 9 AM

Expat Interview With Ashley, US Expat Living in Brighton, England

Ashley Sheets is a 28 year old American expat whose path to travel began with a study abroad experience in France during her college days. Since then, she's found her way across the Atlantic from Ohio and is now making her home in the lovely seaside city of Brighton, England, where she lives with her English husband. She began blogging in...
24 May at 9 AM

Meet Audra, Texan Expat Living & Working in Chiayi, Taiwan

Audra is an expat from Texas currently living and working in Chiayi, Taiwan. She teaches English to fourth-graders in an English and Character camp. Audra’s interest in Asia goes way back, and it’s been her dream to live overseas forever. Now, she’s living her dream, and after she completes her BA in Texas, she’ll be back in Asia for...
23 May at 9 AM

Expat Interview With Jennifer - US expat in Bordeaux, France

Jennifer and her family live in Bordeaux, France. Formerly, a school guidance counselor, Jennifer now writes about her new life and how she is blending her American heritage with the French culture. Life in France is full of surprise opportunities, at times frustrating cultural ways, and everyday parenting situations. They enjoy life with...
22 May at 9 AM

Canadian Expat Living in France - Interview With Crystal

Crystal is an anglophone Canadian expat in France who first came to teach English in a village in the north of France just after graduating university. A month after arriving, she met and later married a handsome Frenchman, and is now living in the Alps with her husband, small dog, big furry cat and two hairless kitties. She's a freelance...
21 May at 9 AM

US Expat Living in Tokyo, Japan - Interviewing Aimee

An initial assignment of six months to a year for her husband’s work as an attorney has led to a decade of experiences in Japan for Aimee Weinstein and her family. They love traveling, eating, and exploring local culture. Aimee is a writer and writing professor who teaches at Temple University, Japan and is a contributor for the e-zine A...
20 May at 9 AM

Expat Interview With Lonna - American Living in Turkey

Lonna Lisa Williams has been writing since she was four years old, after her father died, when her mother collected the poems she spoke. In love with words, Lonna wrote childhood stories and plays, eventually publishing books. "Like a Tree Planted" is science fiction, and "Selah of the Summit" is fantasy. “Crossing the Chemo Room,”...
17 May at 9 AM

Expat Interview With Cynthia - US Expat Living in India

Cynthia is a White Indian Grandmother that recently moved to India. She grew up in Small Town America in the home that her Great grandfather built. That instilled an appreciation of her American roots and love of Country. The blood of Roger Williams, defender of religious freedom and founder of Rhode Island, Jonathan Alder, pioneer...
16 May at 9 AM

American Expat in Cyprus - Interviewing Fashionista

“Fashionista,” married to a history and classics professor, never knew that being a professor’s wife could lead to a life of adventure, especially a life of abroad for the entire family. When her husband, then graduate student boyfriend, made a trip over ten years ago to the island of Cyprus for week long visit, who knew that it would...
15 May at 9 AM

Expat Interview With Zannah - American Living in South Korea

Between studying Japanese throughout school and setting her sights on pursuing a career in education, it seemed inevitable that Zannah Smreker would end up teaching in Asia. It took being laid off from a post-university retail job to finally give her the push she needed, and she took the leap all the way to Incheon, South Korea in November of...
14 May at 9 AM

Australian Expat Living in Myanmar - Interview With Jessica

Jessica Mudditt is a journalist at The Myanmar Times and she has lived outside her home country of Australia for the past seven years. Jessica moved to Myanmar in July 2012 and her blog contains feature articles, light-hearted accounts of life in Myanmar, book reviews, photo essays and short documentary style films made during her travels. ...
13 May at 9 AM

Expat Interview With David - American Living in Poland

This is the experience of someone who left America in search of his roots in Poland. It's a daily blog of what keeps his and his wife's life interesting and rewarding after making the difficult decision to move. David began writing his blog before he moved seven years ago and it is filled with information on what it takes to make a permanent...
11 May at 9 AM

American Expat Living in Galicia - Interview With Ali

Ali’s the literary lovechild of David Sedaris and Carrie Bradshaw. Born biracial and raised bicoastal, her life has always been unconventional. However, after a series of serious breakups, one involving a celebrity, she decided to quit her job, move to Spain, and write. Little did she know it would be the best decision she’s ever made....
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