Expat Interviews Page 31

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12 Feb at 10 AM

From Sweden, Finland, France, Morocco to Peru - Expat Interview With Anna

Anna was born in Sweden, grew up in Finland, studied and worked in France and Morocco before moving to Lima to join her Peruvian fiancé, Juan Martin, who is a professional photographer and video producer. After studying sociology and cultural anthropology, Anna worked as a researcher before moving to Peru, and at the moment she is working on...
11 Feb at 9 AM

Paris to London - Expat Interview With Jo

Jo always loved moving around. She met her Austrian husband while studying in Seattle and so moved to Vienna. Together they then went on living in New York City, Tokyo and Paris, her hometown. Having a baby certainly did not mean stopping the expat life and so, as soon as the opportunity came up, they all moved to England. A former consultant...
10 Feb at 9 AM

British Expat in United Arab Emirates - Interviewing Helen

Helen has been to 48 countries in four decades in search of the answer to the question: "Why do people live where they do?" She hasn't found the answer yet but has had fun trying. A journalist and freelance communications consultant, she created expatexplorers.org to document her travels when she moved aboard to live. She is known for being...
9 Feb at 9 AM

From USA to Serbia - Interviewing Expat Tina

Tina always planned to be an expat, but in Asia. Now living in eastern Europe with her Serbian husband and baby, she makes her way through cultural differences and language issues. Albeit, not always as smoothly as she would like. Diplomacy is a challenge to say the least, but my goal is to befriend everyone I can. Friendship is the key to...
8 Feb at 10 AM

Mexican Expat in Indonesia - Interview With Ana

Ana Gaby is Mexican by birth and soul, American by passport and heart and Indonesian by residence permit. A former international development consultant she quit her dream job to pursue her dreams of raising a family overseas. Four years, three countries and two little boys later, she currently calls the Big Durian her home. When she's not...
7 Feb at 9 AM

US Expat Living in Wellington, NZ - Interview With Diane

Originally from Wyckoff, New Jersey, Diane Morgan left the US in 2002 on a Watson Fellowship and has lived abroad ever since. She spent a year in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship, completed her masters in Amsterdam, and has sailed on boats all over the world. She has been living in Wellington, New Zealand, with her Welsh husband since...
6 Feb at 9 AM

Welsh Expat Living in USA - Interview With Rachel

Rachel has always had a yearning to live in another country since visiting family in Canada when she was 16. When her husband joined a multinational company she vowed that if he were offered the chance of a job in another country then they should take it. She feels incredibly lucky to have been offered this opportunity for her family, one...
5 Feb at 9 AM

British Expat in British Columbia - Interviewing Shelley

Shelley Antscherl is an English journalist, trailing spouse and mother of four living in British Columbia, Canada. Prior to relocating to Canada, Shelley spent nearly three long years living in a remote village in North Holland, dubbed ‘Deliverance’... She has also lived in the US and Sweden. She is the book reviewer for Dutchnews.nl and...
4 Feb at 9 AM

American Expat Living in Vietnam - Interview With Heather

Heather Carreiro is an international teacher and writer currently living in Vietnam. She has been lost on a volcano in the Azores, stuffed into Moroccan grand taxiswith 6 other passengers and goats in the trunk, and crossed a landslide on Pakistan's Karakoram Highway. Her family’s latest international move, with a toddler in tow, has...
2 Feb at 9 AM

American Expat in Rome - Interview With Rick Zullo

Rick Zullo is an American expat living in the Caput Mundi. A few years ago he came to Italy on an extended vacation (we could call it a “sabbatical” just to make it sound impressive, but let’s be honest...). About midway through the trip, chance landed him in Rome where he fell in love with the city on the very first night. On the...
1 Feb at 9 AM

Expat Interview With Luke - English Teacher in Jakarta

Luke is from England and has spent the past 6 years in Indonesia working as a Teacher. He has been writing his blog for the past 3 years and uses it to help communicate with friends and family back home, record memories and share information about life in his new home city, Jakarta. He enjoys travelling in and around the city and also...
31 Jan at 11 AM

Meet Tatiana - Canadian Expat in Bern, Swizerland

Tatiana Warkentin moved to Bern, Switzerland from Winnipeg Manitoba when her husband accepted a job he had applied for when he was having a bad day at work. She put her career as a fundraising professional on hold to follow her husband to Switzerland in the summer of 2011. He works, she writes. She blogs about everything from the lack of...
30 Jan at 9 AM

Expat Interview With Global Nomads Michael & Karin

Over 15 years ago Michael & Karin Shepherd sold their home and real estate business near Portland, Oregon, said good bye to family, friends, Rotary Club and all those community connections and flew off to the remote village of Ballydehob, West Cork, Ireland--with a nearly full shipping container to follow. About five years later property...
29 Jan at 9 AM

From New York to Luxembourg City - Expat Interview With Dawn

Dawn and her husband moved to Luxembourg 18 months ago for his job. When she told people where they were moving, the most common response (after a blank look) was, "in, er, Germany? Belgium? Ah, right, France!" Turns out, Luxembourg is a wonderful little country and a great place to be a foreigner! Dawn knew living abroad was an invaluable...
28 Jan at 9 AM

America to England - Expat Interview With Laura

Since 2010, Laura has authored the successful blog, Happy Homemaker UK (see listing here). She is an American mom who resides in England. While living in America, Laura created children's clothing which was 'one of the best jobs I ever had. Cutting fabric was my zen'. Still using her creativity, Laura says, 'Although blogging is more cerebral...
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