Expat Life - Themed Blogging Contests

Whilst we plan to continue with our big expat writing contests, we've decided to run a series of smaller fortnightly contests based around our Local Expert Series! This is only open to ExpatsBlog.com listing members...

Every few weeks, a new contest based around a specific topic theme will run with 4 prizes totalling $350 in Amazon Vouchers! The deadline will be the Thursday before Monday publishing. The comments/FB will be assessed just prior to announcing the winners by the end of the week! Remember: to qualify for entry, articles must be previously unpublished!

WEEK 1 - Theme: Expat Culture Shock
Accepting entries: Closed
Published: >>> NOW LIVE! Read all 32 Expat Culture Shock contest entries <<<
Winner: Emma Kaufmann's We're Not in Kansas Anymore
FB Likes: Nicole Morgan's Trash Talkin - Culture Shock USA
Comment: Erin Moran's HELP! There is an American in the front garden!
"A brilliantly humorous & engaging post! I love how your American spirit shines through & makes an otherwise awkward moment seem natural. I couldn’t stop laughing & felt like I was a neighbour in your story, watching it all unveil in front of my eyes."
Random: Bex's Expat Culture Shock - Greece

WEEK 2 - Theme: Education & International Schools
Accepting entries: Closed
Published: >>> LIVE! Read all 25 Education & International Schools contest entries <<<
Winner: Lisa Sadleir's Education in Spain... Some questions to ask yourself!
FB Likes: Olga Mecking's The wheels on the school bus go round and round
Comment: Ute Limacher-Riebold's International Schools in The Hague: an Overview and a Guidelining Questionnaire
"What an informative and well-written post! There are a lot of websites that provide a list of local schools, but none have this quality of detail. The accompanying suggested questions is something I haven't seen anyone else use. Readers of this page will be in a good position to make an informed choice about schools in the Hague."
Random: Bonnie Rose's International Schools in UK vs USA - Expat Education

WEEK 3 - Theme: Working Abroad
Accepting entries: Closed
Published: >>> NOW LIVE! Read all 19 Working Abroad contest entries <<<
Winner: CMT's Let Me Take You to the Dark Side of the Moon
FB Likes: Jenna Longoria's The Perks of Working Abroad
Comment: Joanna Munro's Maytime Mayhem: the eye of the French working cyclone
"Wonderfully written as EVER ! Do you have a spare bedroom? I will pay :) Your style is personal and engaging and creates anticipation for the ending (Which I really didn't want to end) I kept picturing myself there! I worked 69 hours last week and took one week vacation. ENJOY YOURSELF JOANNA!"
Random: Amanda van Mulligen's Letting Go of the Career Ladder

WEEK 4 - Theme: Meeting Expats
Unfortunately it looks like this topic didn't inspire our expat bloggers! So rather than run the 7 entries we received as a contest, we're going to publish them on the site as articles (one per day) and make EVERY single entry a winner. This means that every blogger who entered will receive at least a $50 Amazon prize, although we'll wait until we've picked our fave to award the top prize. All will be announced on Twitter/FB by the end of next week! Thanks to everyone involved :) Back to the bigger writing contests... The entries will be published daily here.
Top prize: Morwenna's Do you Speak expat? Meeting Expats in Singapore
All 6 other entries are also awarded a $50 prize...

Competition details:

4 Prizes Per Contest:
- Our favourite wins $200 Amazon Gift Voucher.
- Our favourite comment wins $50 Amazon Gift Voucher
- Top FB LIKES wins $50 (Share counter is not accurate and so NOT included)
- One randomly picked winner (sweepstakes) wins $50
(One prize per author, so 4 winners every contest!)

How to enter:
Write and submit a previously unpublished article based on the specified theme AND your expat country! Write any style you like. It could be useful information with facts/figures/contacts etc or just a blog post based on expat life experience!
Be sure to submit before the END of the deadline day or it won't be included.
You may provide a few relevant links and italicised/bolded text, but we would ask that you add in the basic HTML tags if you know how to. It just makes our life easier!
Please make sure your article is at least 500 words.
You may provide ONE relevant photo although not required. Please provide a caption and ideal placement.

- Document (ideally with HTML tags in place, also suggested image placement)
- Attach image (not required).
- Caption if image.
- Your author name.
- Twitter id (if have one).
- your ExpatsBlog.com blog listing web address.

Submit to: contests[at]expatsblog[dot]com and then leave a quick comment below or tweet us to confirm you've emailed your entry in! We'd also love to hear that you're planning on entering too. And perhaps a little FB like or tweet of this page if you're feeling generous ;)

Contest Terms:
- Open to expat bloggers who have a blog listing on ExpatsBlog.com.
- One entry per author.
- Restricted to one prize per entry; in event that an entry qualifies to win 2 prizes, the greater value prize will be awarded!
- Minimum word count: 500.
- Entries must be previously unpublished elsewhere.
- Entries judged by the ExpatsBlog.com team. Judging factors... well, our favourite wins the top prize!
- Deadline for entries: see the schedule for each contest
- Copyright remains with the author, but ExpatsBlog.com has the unrestricted right to publish the entries on this website.
- We reserve the right to refuse an entry.
- Comments will be moderated before publishing. Non-positive comments won't be published.
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Contest Comments » There are 96 comments

Bonnie Rose wrote 11 years ago:

I look forward to participating in this contest about Culture Shock. x

Greg wrote 11 years ago:

This is a very busy time for me, so I might not be able to get a good entry finished by the deadline, but I can also try one of the other contests later.

Celeste @ Courageous Or Crazy wrote 11 years ago:

Great idea! Thanks for hosting! I'll submit my entry this evening!

Bex wrote 11 years ago:

Done! The first one was fun to write, really got me thinking. Brought back good memories - so thanks!

Robin McGuire wrote 11 years ago:

Just sent in my article. Hopefully to the right web address this time!

Candi Cane Canncel wrote 11 years ago:

Such a fabulous idea! I entered! Best of luck to all the participants.

Holly Nelson wrote 11 years ago:

I have just submitted my entry :) time to start work on the next one!

Crystal Goes To Europe wrote 11 years ago:

I love blog writing contests! I actually had a crazy (mis)adventure with some French culture shock just yesterday, so I can't wait to write about it and send it in!

Michael West wrote 11 years ago:

Does it mean by unpublished that also includes an article on your blog that is published before on there?

Crystal Goes To Europe wrote 11 years ago:

Just a quick question - you ask that the article be at least 500 words, but is there a maximum? I have a tendency to be a bit verbose...lol.

EmmaK wrote 11 years ago:

Wow!! Great idea for a competition. I had such a culture shock when I moved from London to Baltimore. Just sent you my entry.

Bonnie Rose wrote 11 years ago:

Culture shock blog post is underway, I look forward to submitting my entry. x

Mary wrote 11 years ago:

I will be entering again, these contests are fun thank you for having them!

Anna Power wrote 11 years ago:

Great contest! I've just emailed my entry now

Orana wrote 11 years ago:

Just sent in my submission for the Culture Shock contest! Thanks a lot! Cheers from Thailand!

Penelope Carter wrote 11 years ago:

All done and sent in!

Carrie wrote 11 years ago:

Hi! I just emailed my story! Can't wait to read everyone else's! Thanks!!!

Claire Calvey wrote 11 years ago:

Hello there Last minute cafe as usual, I've just sent you my entry!

Bonnie wrote 11 years ago:

Have been working on my piece for Culture Shock and just realize most of my stories and examples are better related to my culture shock in America opposed to living now in England. If this is still okay, I can send it in.

Fashionista wrote 11 years ago:

I sent in my article. Thanks for your consideration.

Bonnie Rose wrote 11 years ago:

I just sent in my entry about education in England.

Olga@The EuropeanMama wrote 11 years ago:

Sent in my entry for the Education and International schools contest. Good luck to all the participants!

OtterMei wrote 11 years ago:

Sent in my entry for the Education contest! Can't wait to see all the entries!

Rachel Pieh Jones wrote 11 years ago:

Just emailed my entry in, thanks!

Ashley wrote 11 years ago:

just contributed a little essay! weee!

Aimee Weinstein wrote 11 years ago:

Just Entered the contest! Hurrah!!

Celeste wrote 11 years ago:

Just sent my entry for the Education and International School contest as well! Best of luck!

Kathy wrote 11 years ago:

I've entered!

Sally wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted my entry for the Working Abroad contest. Can't wait to read them all!

Bex wrote 11 years ago:

Just entered the third competition "Working Abroad" Looking forward to reading the other stories on offer - all high quality and interesting!

RosemaryK@AussieFrance wrote 11 years ago:

Hi, would it be possible to give a maximum word count? Thanks Rosemary

Joe Writeson wrote 11 years ago:

Ok "Working Abroad' themed short story 'I'm just wild about Hary' based on actual events on a job in Indonesia sent today, Saturday 18th May....good luck to all entrants ..Joe

Rick wrote 11 years ago:

Ciao from Rome! Just submitted my entry for "Working Abroad." Good luck to all the entries!

Ceire wrote 11 years ago:

Had a great laugh to myself recounting an adventurous day in my first weeks of work in Zambia!

Joanna wrote 11 years ago:

Count me in. I'll get my thinking cap on!

Holly wrote 11 years ago:

Writing a "Working Abroad" entry at this very moment!

Kristen wrote 11 years ago:

Send in Working Abroad today :)

CMT wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted my entry for "Working Abroad". Can't wait to read the other entries. Title: "Let Me Take You to the Dark Side of the Moon".

Bex wrote 11 years ago:

Just entered the Working Abroad contest...was fun to write!

Joanna wrote 11 years ago:

One entry sent your way! Looking forward to reading them all next week!

Molly wrote 11 years ago:

I wrote my entry on Working abroad last night and have sent it in for entry. I have been working abroad for 15 years now. So difficult to try to keep it short! Looking forward to reading the entries next week.

Stephanie wrote 11 years ago:

Officially entered the Working Abroad contest! Backstage at the Bolshoi...:)

Holly Nelson wrote 11 years ago:

Wonderful! What an amazing opportunity! Will be entering the first competition :)

Jeremy Bohall wrote 11 years ago:

Just entered the culture shock competition!

Karin Ronde wrote 11 years ago:

Can we post the blog on our website as well?

Mimi Finerty wrote 11 years ago:

I think this is such a good idea! Short contests somehow get my motivation levels up more consistently. And I think the topics are great. Will definitely be entering the culture shock theme for week one!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Karin - all entries must be previously unpublished to qualify for the contests - ideally, we would hope that they stay unique to the site, however, it's up to you after the contest! What some bloggers do is take a snippet or summary and post a link to the full article on their contest page. Hope that helps!

Nick K wrote 11 years ago:

I'm in - entry sent through today. Cheers, Nick

Brea wrote 11 years ago:

This is great! Thanks for hosting these contests, I will definitely be entering!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Greg - no worries, the beauty with this competition series is you can pick and choose which contests to enter according what time you have :)

Bennett wrote 11 years ago:

Definitely will be entering some of these! Look forward to reading everyone's entries again!

Jeremy wrote 11 years ago:

Sent in my entry. Hope you like it.

Ashley wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted my entry! Cheers to all participants

Sisters From Another Mister wrote 11 years ago:

Culture Shock post underway - thank you ... love this topic.

Dyanne@TravelnLass wrote 11 years ago:

As a freelance professional site designer, I most certainly know my way around HTML tags, but... Not sure just how you want submissions with pics formatted. So I simply tossed my submission for this week's "Culture Shock" category in a .doc file with inserted pic/caption and sent it off as an attachment in an email. Do let me know if this causes you any digital grief. ;)

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Dyanne - your competition entry was fine, although best to attach the image and simply mark in the doc where you want it to ideally show (with caption). HTML, if possible, would means typing in <b>bolded</b>, <i>italised</i>, and <a>linked</a> text into the document rather than using eg Word to add these formatting. One day we'll have an online editor to add entries, but for now this is the ideal approach for us :)

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Michael - We're looking for expat bloggers to write a new article for this contest - i.e. not published elsewhere prior to us publishing when the contest entries go live! Hope that makes sense!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Crystal - we normally have a limit of 2,000 words, but decided to leave one out for these smaller contests :)

Crystal Goes To Europe wrote 11 years ago:

Ok, thanks! I know my story will be over 500, but I also firmly believe in quality over quantity!

Emily wrote 11 years ago:

Entry submitted. For once I wasn't too lazy!

Brea wrote 11 years ago:

Just emailed my entry, thanks!

Tania wrote 11 years ago:

Really liked the topic for Week 1 so I've just submitted my entry!

Polly wrote 11 years ago:

I'll be submitting soon!

Bennett wrote 11 years ago:

Entered! Good luck everyone - can't wait to read them all!

Quintessentially English wrote 11 years ago:

I've just emailed mine through! Can't wait to read everybody's entries! I think Culture Shock is a really interesting category! Should be some funny ones!

OtterMei wrote 11 years ago:

I just emailed my submission for the Culture Shock contest! So excited!

Chickenruby wrote 11 years ago:

I'm in, trying out a different writing style for this one

Sisters From Another Mister wrote 11 years ago:

Mailed - but without an image ... Would you like one? Thank YOU!

Jorge Juarez wrote 11 years ago:

I've submitted my entry for the Culture Shock contest.

Entered! I did not include an image...I didn't feel like one was relevant for my posting. Thank you so much for this contest idea! It was a fun one!

Laurence Brown wrote 11 years ago:

Just emailed my entry. Thanks!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

An image isn't required, so no worries if you haven't included one. @Bonnie - so long as it's about your experience as an expat in another country that's fine!

Jeremy Bohall wrote 11 years ago:

I read the directions this time and just submitted a previously unpublished post. I'm excited about this contest!

Crystal Goes To Europe wrote 11 years ago:

I've just had a couple of friends ask me about how to win, and wanted to double check with you! Regarding the winner for your favourite comment, is it the person who leaves the comment who wins the 50$ voucher, or rather the author of the entry for which the comment was left? Thanks in advance, and I'm having a blast reading all the other entries :)

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Crystal: Probably our fault for not being clearer! The contest author wins the $50 voucher! All 4 prizes go to the expat bloggers :)

Crystal Goes To Europe wrote 11 years ago:

Gotcha! Thanks for clearing that up :)

Farrah wrote 11 years ago:

Entered! Thank you!

Laura Dennis wrote 11 years ago:

I just end my entry for the education contest ... Thanks!

BacktoBodrum wrote 11 years ago:

Made it this time - just about to send my entry

Ute wrote 11 years ago:

I've just sent my entry for the Education and International School contest for The Hague (Netherlands). I wish good luck to all the participants!

Rachel Mcclary wrote 11 years ago:

Just emailing entry - sorry I'm a dunce with html blog does it for me automatically so don't know how to add it to word documents.

Rachel Mcclary wrote 11 years ago:

Just noticed my listing says I am English - Oh how to offend a Welsh girl :)

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Rachel - no worries about the HTML, we'll be in touch asap regarding your submission. Re origin - sorry! Will fix :)

Elisa Scarton wrote 11 years ago:

Just entered and just in time (I hope). Best of luck to everyone!

Holly Nelson wrote 11 years ago:

I have just submitted my entry - hope it is not too late and you get it alright!

Dominique Coulter wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted by essay for Week 2's education contest... hope I still got it in on time! Looking forward to seeing the results. Thanks! :)

Jorge Juarez wrote 11 years ago:

Hi, I've submitted my entry for education and international schools. I know. I know. I'm cutting it really close. :-)

Ellen Duckenfield wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted my entry - it's still May 2nd where I am (just) so hope that's OK!

Jeremy wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted my Working Abroad blog. Can't wait to see the other posts!

ExpatsBlog.com wrote 11 years ago:

@Rosemary - 2500 words!

Amy Greer wrote 11 years ago:

I've entered the Work Abroad comp. Good luck everyone!

Amanda wrote 11 years ago:

Just sent my entry for "Working Abroad" - looking forward to reading all the entries!

Jenna wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted my post for the Working Abroad contest! : )

Morwenna Lawson wrote 11 years ago:

Just submitted for the Meeting Expats contest, hope the piece is all to order. The best fun, entering this!

Joe Writeson wrote 11 years ago:

Ok 'Meeting Expats' uploaded and retitled 'Meeting Expats ....eventually' 1360 words.........Good Luck to other entrants ........but not THAT good eh????

Kim wrote 11 years ago:

I just submitted (hopefully!!) my entry to the Meeting Expats contest. Good luck to everyone--what a great way to share information.

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Website (NOT required - include http://)

IMPORTANT: Rules for comments to be accepted:
- Positive in nature - If you haven't got anything nice to say... you know!
- More than 10 words - We're not looking for simply "Great post!" etc, make it meaningful please :)
- Verify your email address - One time only, we'll send you a verification email (CHECK SPAM FOLDER!)
Comments that fall outside of these guidelines won't be published!
Please note that there MAY BE A DELAY BEFORE PUBLISHING comments, so don't worry!

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