The Loud Americans

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The Loud Americans
T.T.J.K.B. We were a family of 5 living in India as expats. We re-patriated back to MN. Then, we moved to Toronto Canada. This is our story and our way of keeping in touch.
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  • Finally the Fishing Opener 2 years ago  It was touch and go this year as too wether or not the ice would be off the lakes in time to go fishing. Turns out it was mostly off Lake of the Woods at least Rainy River was open.So up north we went, I was lucky to be invited by my friends Mike and his son Jack and his friend Garrett. We got...
  • Nicer fish on and happy Father's Day! 2 years ago  The yearly father/kid fishing trip took place ON Fathers Day weekend this year. Tracy was actually calling it Mothers Day:)  A note from Tracy, before an update from Tom.Tom, SO glad you were able to do this trip with Billy and Kay. I'm sure you were missing Jimmy. Even though you didnt get...
  • Ah... Billy ja 2 years ago  As Master Ted used to say at Myungs in Toronto … ahhh… yes Billy ja.Billy’s been having a great spring taekwondo season, including getting his 3rd degree black belt. Lots of gold, smiles and training.Of course the black belt test was a combination of errors, nothing less can be...
  • 28th MS 150!! 2 years ago  We did it! 150 miles, Hinckley to Duluth 100 miles of rain ☹️Sunny skies and a great band after our ride day 1Putting up/taking down our own tent - no glamping  this yearNed was 13 in fundraisers and Tracy 39 - Tracy is #2 woman fundraiser though (way more men than woven ride  this ride...
  • Everything May 2 years ago Tom went  Fishing Jimmy was homeBilly kicked ass on taekwondo Billy had a gas playing rugby (they aren’t very good but have a ton of fun)Year end symphony concert Tracy and Wendy went biking campingKleo joined our familyKay did her thing (as always) baking and treatsTracy’s mom turned... Featured Expat Blog Badge:

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