Obroni Observations

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Obroni Observations
I'm a displaced Jersey girl... adaptable, even-tempered, low-maintenance, funny, sarcastic, cynical, friendly and utterly patient.
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  • Oh, Happy Days 9 years ago Though we are no longer in Ghana, I thought my old readers might be interested in a brief update. I think the smiles say it all: It's good to be home. :)First day of school, March 2008SOS Herman Gmeinner School, Tema, GhanaFirst day of school, September 2014 Rancocas Regional Valley High School,...
  • Throwing in the Towel 10 years ago In the boxing world, when the corner man throws in the towel it is an indication to the bout’s referee that his man, his fighter, can no longer on. That he wants out. That he’s done for, done in. He is giving up. Surrendering.That is me. I am surrendering. I have had enough. I’m done for and...
  • For One Child at Least, the Ordeal is Over 11 years ago The last many, many months have been spent trying to get our son Sean into college. My husband and I had believed that moving to Ghana more than a decade ago would be to the children’s benefit because the school system here, even at public school level, would be better than the U.S. To some...
  • Vodafone Ghana: Power to Who? 11 years ago One of the hardest things about living as an expat and especially as an expat in Ghana is that I miss my family and hearing about the things that may be trivial to some but which are vitally important to me… how my elderly mother is feeling and faring, how my niece’s new job is going, how the...
  • So Who's Complaining? 12 years ago I know this will come as a shock but in the worst way ever I want to complain. But I made a promise to my husband that I would not say anything bad about things here in you-know-where because this is an election year and goodness knows anything can happen. Wouldn’t want to be deported back to...

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