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Wilson Blades

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Wilson Blades
I'm Blades, he's Wilson and we have 2 small boys. Currently living in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) I'm a 40-something actress and mum, blonde bit of fluff and sometime Sybil Fawlty impersonator... writing about expat life and parenting.
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- Shout Out Friday - Vicky Blades 6 years ago Originally posted on Empowering, inspiring and promoting women who make: Here’s the video of my Shout Out Friday chat with Vicky Blades. Details of the event she mentions, Investing in me, in Belfast next month are below. ? ? Investing in Me – An insightful and inspiring day of mindfulness,...
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- Top 5 Socially Responsible Businesses in Yangon Expat Blog Awards 2013 Top 5 Socially Responsible Businesses in YangonWant to shop, eat or do some business in Yangon and feel that you are actually making a difference at the same time? Look no further than these five companies which have all sprung up around town in...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Myanmar Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in Myanmar!
Copy and paste code to display the Myanmar Award Badge:Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Wilson Blades

Becky In Burma
17:39 PM December 11, 2012
17:39 PM December 11, 2012

Wilson Blades is a great blog touching on interesting aspects of living in Myanmar. You can learn about funny shopping experiences and what life is like here as an expat. :) Not only that, she's an amazing woman. :)