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Vegemite Vix

Vegemite Vix
I moved with my three kids, my dog, cat, a guitar and twenty boxes of books, from New Zealand to North Hampshire in the UK in August 2008.
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: England Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in England!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 12 reviews on Vegemite Vix

Carole Hallett Mobbs
22:14 PM October 23, 2012
22:14 PM October 23, 2012

Wonderful writing and inciteful anecdotes. I love this blog, there is never a boring post. It's refreshing to see my home country through the eyes of Vix.

22:42 PM October 23, 2012
22:42 PM October 23, 2012

I love Vicki's blog. She writes so well and it's really interesting to see here take on life in the UK.

Emma Kaufmann
16:17 PM October 26, 2012
16:17 PM October 26, 2012

Vix has a wonderful sense of humor and I frequently squirt coffee on my keyboard when reading her posts. As a Kiwi adrift in the rain soaked United Kingdom I do feel her pain and love reading about how she's trying to adapt to England's soggy climes.

16:24 PM October 26, 2012
16:24 PM October 26, 2012

I love Vicki's take on things. She shares her experiences of life abroad in such a way that her readers are pulled in by her wit and personable style, as if we were tucked into her bag and taken along with her on her journey.

Christine Amorim
13:10 PM November 05, 2012
13:10 PM November 05, 2012

Fantastic blog, with great variety and a funny outlook on life, makes me smile!

Rachael Lucas
13:39 PM November 05, 2012
13:39 PM November 05, 2012

I love this blog - travel advice, funny anecdotes, parenting tip, relationship help - Vix has something to say on every subject under the sun and always beautifully written with a great sense of humour.

Jennie Razzaq
13:41 PM November 05, 2012
13:41 PM November 05, 2012

I enjoy reading vicki's posts, there's always a chuckle, a smile or something to make you stop and think.

14:01 PM November 05, 2012
14:01 PM November 05, 2012

A lovely blog narrating adapting in a new country

17:41 PM November 05, 2012
17:41 PM November 05, 2012

Brilliant blog, entertaining and always interesting, seeing the UK through an expats eyes.

Melissa Christie
11:40 AM November 09, 2012
11:40 AM November 09, 2012

Vicki's blog is often the first thing I read when I wake up in the morning. Her humourous and insightful writing has made me cry, be uplifted, be inspired to do more in this world....and frequently made me laugh!

15:33 PM December 06, 2012
15:33 PM December 06, 2012

A Kiwi that claims Vegemite?! Us Aussies might as well take the Finn brothers and Pavlova... Setting that aside great blog with a wide mix of topics and discussions. I enjoy catching up on Vegemite Vix when I do my blog reading.

09:24 AM October 29, 2015
09:24 AM October 29, 2015

This is very good softblognet