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Defying Gravity

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Defying Gravity
I've been living in Mongolia for one year and still have one more to go. I blog about things to do and see, mostly in Ulaanbaatar, restaurants my friends and I visit, and occasionally where I go on vacation.
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- Death by Hiking 2 years ago Like I said a few days back, half of the blogs out here in the interwebs about Cappadocia are about hiking. Now, I like to think I enjoy hiking, but when it actually comes down to it, what I really enjoy is walking along nice, flat trails, through beautiful scenery, while snapping lots of...
- Cooking With Gas 2 years ago I beg you not to judge Engrish and me. Yes, during our time in Turkey we ate with the enthusiasm of a Mormon singles' ward at a break-the-fast potluck. Or a Muslim at Iftar. Or, if those metaphors hold no meaning for you, we were a two-girl horde of locusts, devouring everything in sight. ...
- Any Way the Wind Blows 2 years ago One of the greatest atrocities the human race has ever perpetuated against itself is its insistence on sunrise. Don't get me wrong - there is something unmistakably stunning about watching the gathering brightness burst over the horizon. But as far as I'm concerned, you get the same light show...
- Going Under 2 years ago My legs were pretty wobbly on the way down, and when we got back to the Hidden Cave my reading break quickly turned into a nap. One that didn't end til midnight, sleeptalking and leg cramps notwithstanding (and leg cramps in your thigh are a whole new level of hell that I never realized I didn't...
- Ups and Downs 2 years ago It was a dark, and stormy, Monday afternoon...After two LONG years, this spring break saw me finally, FINALLY on the road again. It would have been nice if I could have gone to Japan - had that trip I planned two and a half years ago, sitting on a beach in Toyama watching the firefly squid roll...
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- N is for Nomads Expat Blog Awards 2013 An alphabetical list of the top reasons why it's better to be an expat here... A is for Archery. Don't even kid yourself. Archery is hot these days. Katniss does it, and so does Merida, but the Mongolians have been doing it a lot longer...since...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Mongolia Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Mongolia!
Copy and paste code to display the Mongolia Award Badge:Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Defying Gravity

Ryan McFarland
01:26 AM December 24, 2013
01:26 AM December 24, 2013

Congratulations! Well deserved!