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Piglet in Portugal

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Piglet in Portugal
A semi-humorous account of everyday life and travel in Portugal (by Piglet in Portugal)
Latest Blog Posts »
- Wildflowers: Cistus Ladanifer - Gum Cistus 3 years ago The Cistus Ladanifer can be seen across Portugal during May and June. It is a sticky shrub (as I discovered when I wandered off the track to take closeups). The sticky resin covering the stem and leaves is called laden and contains healing properties. It is also used in the cosmetic industry to fix...
- Garden Diary: Flowers in May 3 years ago Fortunately, we’ve had more rain this week. Not much but just enough to keep us on edge when we planned a BBQ or to invite friends round for a coffee on the terrace. A New Member of the Family – Solanum Rantonnetti We can always find room for one more plant, yes? Last week I... Continue Reading...
- Wildflowers: Carpobrotus Edulis - Hottentot-fig 3 years ago The Carpobrotus Edulis is a creeping succulent listed as one of the invasive species in Portugal. It can be found everywhere along the Portuguese coastline. It has the most amazing flowers which the bees enjoy. REF https://flora-on.pt/?q=Carpobrotus Citation: A.Carapeto, F.Clamote, P.V.Araújo,...
- Garden Diary: Vegetable Roundup - May (part 1) 3 years ago My Six this Saturday this week has proved quite a challenge. I had so much to write about but so little time. This morning we went to a fellow gardeners for a coffee, catch-up and a tour around his garden. It is amazing. So many projects and raised beds, covers, sheds, nooks and crannies. Gnome......
- Baby Piglet and Language Problems 3 years ago Originally posted on Piglet in Portugal: The last two weeks in France have literally ‘flown’ by! Looking back it seems like only yesterday we were eagerly driving to Lisbon Airport to catch a plane to Lyon. Our daughter, husband and Baby Piglet had just moved to their new home in the French...
Contest Entries »
- Moving to Portugal - 5 Things to Consider Writing Contest October 2012 This article is not about moving to Portugal viewed through rose-tinted spectacles because although the sun shines, the beaches are stunning, the wine and beer are cheap Portugal has warts as well. The information below is based on personal...
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Website Reviews » There are 3 reviews on Piglet in Portugal

Sami Veloso
16:02 PM October 15, 2012
16:02 PM October 15, 2012

I love Piglet´s posts, they always make me smile. She has a good writing style and a great way to portray life in Portugal.

Lindsay De Feliz
21:10 PM November 18, 2012
21:10 PM November 18, 2012

great blog which covers a whole variety of topics from Portugal to gardening to recipes and to life. Beautifully written and described - I especially love the gardening posts.

Aisha From Expatlogue
21:03 PM December 05, 2012
21:03 PM December 05, 2012

Wonderful to see you here! You already know I love your blog - it feels like sitting down talking to you. A distinctive voice and a great sense of humor make it a perfect accompaniment to my morning coffee! You invariably set me up for the day :-)