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27°72'N 85°37'E
Two educators from Portland Oregon who love to travel.
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- RIX to KTM 4 years ago We left Riga about a week ago and 82 hours later (five airports, an overnight flight, and two nights in a hotel airport), we made it to KTM. Overall, it was a surreal experience traveling and, obviously, unlike anything we've ever been through. Fortunately, everyone we saw on our flights were...
- Kathmandu, we'll soon be seeing you 4 years ago This blog has been silent, but it's about to get a reboot! In October, we signed on with our previous school, so as soon as the airport opens back up, we'll be on our way back to KTM. Riga was a great city to live in, but we're excited to return to Kathmandu!Back in Oregon in December
- Roadtrip to Liepaja 5 years ago After a few weeks of taking taxis to and from work, we finally got a car and decided to take a trip to Liepaja, which is about 3 hours west of Riga.After an uneventful drive, we arrived to Liepaja. While we were there, we started out by heading straight to the beach to get some pictures of the...
- Finding our way around Riga (Alternatively titled: Our kids don't know how to walk on sidewalks) 6 years ago (This post was drafted during our first week here... and then life happened and it didn't get posted, so I'm posting it now!)We've been in Riga a few days now getting ourselves settled and adjusted (hello jet lag). We've been looking at houses and apartments, opening bank accounts, and getting...
- Newa Lahana in Kirtipur 6 years ago Over spring break we had a friend visit from the US so we took him up to 'The Slab' which is a place actually called Newa Lahana in Kirtipur. They're known for their Raksi and have a large menu filled with interesting items. Here are a few pictures from the trip:Apartments in KirtipurSome...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Nepal Gold Award!
This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Nepal!
Copy and paste code to display the Gold Award Badge:Website Reviews » There is 1 review on 27°72'N 85°37'E
Molly Jo Stark
18:21 PM November 05, 2012
18:21 PM November 05, 2012
I love reading this blog. I am not in Nepal and doubt I ever will be, but they give just enough to intrigue me and not bore or annoy me. I have also emailed with questions and have gotten very quick and personal responses from them that I doubt receive from other bloggers. I plan on lots of travel in my future and this blog excites me beyond words.