Panama Guy

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Panama Guy
Originally from Panama, Laura moved to the United States with her mother, father and sister Michelle at a young age. Her blog contains stories of Laura's Life in Panama
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  • We Are Family 9 years ago Two years ago when I moved to Panama, I could not have predicted the life path that is  now unfolding.  If you don’t already know, I didn’t move to Panama because I liked it.  I moved here to have escape the Bay Area rat race, to have a new and different experience and to be […]
  • America, I Miss You! 10 years ago Dear Ones, In an interesting turn of events, my Panama adventure will soon come to an end.  My family and I have decided to move back to the States — and not just because we miss Whole Foods. But first we need to sell our beautiful Panama City view condo.  It’s really a nice place.  
  • Men with Mangoes 10 years ago On our way home from a long walk, Billy, Sammy and I pass a man with a cartful of mangoes. Admiring his bounty I ask, “Where did you get those?” “Just down the road. Do you want one?”  Uncharacteristically, I say yes and accept something from a stranger since there are few things enjoy...
  • When Billy Came to Town 10 years ago Everything was great before Billy came to town.  I was happy.  I was loved.  I was the king of my spacious condo castle.  Before Billy all eyes here laid on me.  When I ventured outdoors, others constantly complimented me on my handsome appearance — my cute, scruffy beard, my old man...
  • The Top 12 Surprises of Panama's Three-Ring Circus 10 years ago Happy holidays to all!  It’s that time of year when holds their annual blog contest.  This year my topic is The Top 12 Surprises of Panama’s Three-Ring Circus. Please take a few minutes to read and vote for me! How to vote: Click on this...

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  • The Top 8 Ways Living in Panama Can Make You Sexier Writing Contest March 2013 Panama consistently appears on lists of top places to live since it rates high as a retirement haven. But did you know moving to Panama provides all of the elements to make you sexier -- to transform you from humdrum to Don Juan? Yes, our special...
  • The Top 12 Surprises of Panama's Three-Ring Circus Expat Blog Awards 2013 A year ago, I wrote a grandstanding post called The Top 8 Ways Living in Panama Can Make You Sexier. Still slurping the tropical Koolaid as a newly arrived expat, I highlighted the sultry and magnificent aspects of our Central American spectacle.... Expat Blog Awards 2013: Panama Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Panama!

Copy and paste code to display the Panama Award Badge: Expat Blog Awards 2012: Panama Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Panama!

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Website Reviews » There are 27 reviews on Panama Guy

Dorothy Fernandez
00:23 AM October 12, 2012

Yes, love it!

Rolanda Taylor Enroth
02:24 AM October 12, 2012

The stories on Laura's blog are humorous, well-written and never disappoint. It's not just a blog,but funny, touching and quirky peak into navigating the in's and out's of her new home PTY-Panama! If you read close enough,her stories reveal Laura's plucky personality! After reading one of her posts, I always have a smile on my face and in my heart.

Chris Barberich
05:18 AM October 12, 2012

i can't wait for the next entry.

07:27 AM October 12, 2012

I love your blogs & update. It makes it feel like you are not far away! Miss you!

Yolanda Monteza
13:55 PM October 12, 2012

Your blog brings me back to my homeland.

14:15 PM October 12, 2012

Love your stories... I usually relax and laugh reading your posts ... :) Keep going!

Stefanie Nagorka
16:07 PM October 12, 2012

With pleasure I've been quickly drawn in to Laura's fluid stories of her new family life in Panama. Candid and quirky, these blog entries are infused with wry observations on the authors shifting physical and emotional landscape.

16:24 PM October 12, 2012

Excellent blog!!

Lina Stal
01:10 AM October 13, 2012

Funny, refreshing and very pure. Love her writing style!

Cynthia Guy
00:06 AM October 14, 2012

Funny, honest, and in real time! You got to love it! But then, I am her mom.

Starla Sireno
22:25 PM October 15, 2012

Love, love, love reading about Laura's adventures (and mis-adventures). She has a gift of storytelling. Not only do you get a hefty dose of what it's like to live in Panama City, but you also get to witness her own personal evolution as she experiences living in another culture.

07:04 AM October 16, 2012

I look forward to every one of Laura's new posts. Each story is a fascinating snapshot and reflection of her family and the daily adventure that is living in Panama. I especially love hearing what grounds her and what (tries to!) uproot her as she thoughtfully journeys through life.

21:30 PM October 23, 2012

Delightful and REAL - I love it, Laura!

Johanna Nilsson
03:53 AM November 21, 2012

Laura's blog posts are so much fun and such inspiration. Transparent, genuine, humoristic, well-written, interesting, daring... It has it all. I don't watch TV, but I do enjoy following the episodes of Laura's life in Panama. Please continue. Or move back to San Francisco!

Regina Bigay
19:46 PM November 25, 2012

Laura's blog is a fun and interesting read! I'm looking forward to more posts.

15:02 PM December 04, 2012

Love this Guy! Her stories take you to the spot, so fun to read... specially while I'm in the mid west!

Paul Kim
15:06 PM December 04, 2012

Always enjoy reading Laura's blog, puts a big smile on my face! Keep up the great writing!

15:39 PM December 04, 2012

Great job Laura, each and everyone of your stories make my day. Your humor can change someone's mood, & I am very glad I can read them.

Amy R.
15:47 PM December 04, 2012

Such a pleasure to read for its honest perspective on a new phase of life and a fresh look at a new/old home. Funny and insightful, it's a bright spot in my web reading!

Eric Gai
16:47 PM December 04, 2012

Before Laura's blog I had Panama on my "skip it" list of places to visit. Seeing the country through her eyes has completely changed my perspective. Her related stories on navigating the challenges of aging parents are relevant to all of us in similar situations. Great job Laura!

Katina Ancar
17:27 PM December 04, 2012

Hilarious. Always on the edge of my seat!

Laura Bialis
18:58 PM December 04, 2012

I simply LOVE this blog. Its refreshing, thought-provoking, at times deep and at times absolutely hilarious. But whatever the tone, its always full of real meaning. Each one of Laura's escapades and observations brings us face-to-face with some real predicament in life, many of which usually go undiscussed. It's almost like the cast of Seinfeld goes to Panama. I love following Laura's adventures, and I think that with this blog, she's found her true calling.

20:21 PM December 04, 2012

Love reading your blog! It's real and heartfelt!

Toni Long
20:51 PM December 04, 2012

Laura's stories are fascinating and insightful, not to mention humorous! Keep writing, Laura! This blog is excellent!

Sammy Elmi
04:29 AM December 05, 2012

From the heart to the heart - Laura's words are impactful, sharp, honest, poetic, and always leave me smiling in some way, if not inspired. Thank you!

Kiya Cote
04:52 AM December 05, 2012

Every post is absolutely wonderful and I look forward to reading the next one. Her Panamanian adventures are told with such wry humor, I can't help but smile. Keep the stories coming!

Camilo Quelquejeu
17:43 PM June 01, 2015

Love !

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