Ivory Pomegranate

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Ivory Pomegranate
An American twenty-something woman writing about and photographing bits of daily life, work and travel. Just moved from Kyrgyzstan to Belgium.
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  • an update 8 years ago My my my my my! Two years since my last post on this page and I decided to drop in and mention a few huge life changes. Every once in a while I feel an urge to start blogging again (indeed, looking at my drafts, I nearly kickstarted it up again in February 2015), but … Continue reading "an update"
  • the end of the blog 10 years ago I haven’t been blogging lately and I haven’t felt much desire to. I’ve been keeping up with this little blob of webspace for over five years now, and it has grown stale. It’s not giving me the satisfaction it once did. This decision is actually a long time coming, before I started working...
  • turning 26 10 years ago Today I start my new job as a Social Media Manager for a company that makes TVs. I know! Millennial dream job! Absolutely nothing like what I went to university for! I am nervous and super excited. Oh yeah, and I turn 26 today. It doesn’t feel that substantial. I expected more intense feelings...
  • in the US 10 years ago We landed in Philadelphia yesterday afternoon having survived an 8 1/2-hour flight from Brussels. We immediately experienced some authentic Philly culture in the form of a gravel-voiced waitress at a nearby diner (“What’ll ya have, sweet-haht“), where we got a quick burger-and-fries fix...
  • our mini terrace 10 years ago One distinctly unique behavior I noticed among my Belgian friends in Kyrgyzstan is that they were constantly talking about terraces. It’s sunny, let’s go sit on a terrace. We’ll order tea and beer and sit on a nice terrace. Farrell and I could never match their enthusiasm, especially in...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Kyrgyzstan Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Kyrgyzstan!

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Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Ivory Pomegranate

Bob Powers
17:00 PM December 01, 2013

Only just seen the blog: Steep stairs are a challenge.. you should try them in cycling shoes with a racing bike on your shoulder or maybe a push-chair is challenging enough!? Yep - european cities are cramped.. or cosy.. depending on how you feel at any particular moment! Pity about the smartphone.. but I guess I will also give in eventually. Congratulations with the Golden Award.. deserved by the way!

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