Mes Yeux Ouverts (my open eyes)

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Mes Yeux Ouverts (my open eyes)
Seeing the world with fresh eyes, and experiencing a new life between Paris and New York, from the other side of 50.
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  • The Paris Public Toilet 10 years ago Since 2006, Paris public toilets located on sidewalks throughout the city (numbering over 400 now) are available for FREE use.  I've walked past these things for years, not really noticing them...until I needed one.  Those who know me well know that I know where all the good (and not so good)...
  • Where is Home? 11 years ago One of my "homes," the Upper West Side of Manhattan, as seen from the Central Park Reservoir running path (practically another one of my homes) on a hot sticky July day.  That does sound like I'm about to start a laundry list of summer, winter, ski, beach, European, Asian, Hawaiian, Caribbean,...
  • The Doctor's Office 11 years ago I walk into the little waiting room and begin to hear the lightest strains of music coming from somewhere, piped in like I've only otherwise heard in American elevators, but much softer, while 8 pairs of eyes, of ages ranging from pre-K to post-retirement, raise up at the same time to give me the...
  • Le Centenaire 11 years ago Spontaneity - I've become such a big fan.  I usually travel throughout the city of Paris with three essentials:1.  My Pass Navigo, which lets me ride around in the Paris métro and buses all day long, if that's what I desire or need to do, which seems like constantly.2.  An umbrella.3.  My...
  • On Leaves and Fall 11 years ago This is how I will remember Fall 2012 in Paris.It's been so dark and wet, and the only colors that show through the gray are the gold, yellow and brown from these wet leaves.It's typically not very windy in Paris and so these perfectly-shaped leaves cling to their trees until they just can't hang... Featured Expat Blog Badge:

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