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Ricky Yates - an Anglican in Prague

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Ricky Yates - an Anglican in Prague
I moved to Prague to become Chaplain to the English-speaking Anglican Episcopal congregation here in the Czech Republic. This blog is my attempt to reflect on ministering to English-speakers.
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- Coffee & Books and English Small Talk 2 years ago The entrance to Coffee & Books, Decín © Ricky Yates In June 2017, just a few weeks after I moved to my new home in Stará Oleška, a new café opened in nearby Decín called ‘Coffee & Books’. It is located almost next door to Vesta Reality, the real estate business who were responsible for...
- New roofs 2 years ago My house on 13th March 2022 © Ricky Yates Yes – I know! It has been four months since I last wrote and posted a blog post. A couple of people have recently been in touch, complaining about the silence
- It's taken a long time but, my Lean-to is finally complete 3 years ago Lean-to in May 2017 © Ricky Yates At the end of a post I wrote more than four years ago entitled, ‘Making progress‘, I featured two photographs of the incomplete lean-to on one side of my house. This one on the left, taken in May 2017, just a couple of weeks after I moved to Stará Oleška,...
- A danger of driving in the Czech Republic 3 years ago Damaged car © Ricky Yates According to a news report I read some time ago, the three most common causes of road traffic accidents in the Czech Republic are: First – driving too fast. Second – driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Third – hitting a wild animal, either a deer or a...
- A climb to Mariina skála 3 years ago The new gazebo on the summit of Mariina skála © Ricky Yates Mariina skála is a prominent rock outcrop, 428 metres above sea level, located north of the village of Jetrichovice, which is in turn, around 12km north of Stará Oleška, the village where I live. Perched on top of the rock is a gazebo...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Czech Republic Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in Czech Republic!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 24 reviews on Ricky Yates - an Anglican in Prague

Girl In Czechland
15:46 PM November 18, 2012
15:46 PM November 18, 2012

Detailed, informative, intelligent and entertaining are the adjectives which spring to mind. What more could readers of the blogosphere searching for a contemporary perspective on life in the Czech Republic as an expat ask for? Given my own experience as one half of an Anglo-Czech expat couple, I've enjoyed reading about the weddings Ricky has officiated at the most. A big thumbs up!

17:04 PM November 18, 2012
17:04 PM November 18, 2012

Ricky was my Prague chaplain when I attended St. Clement's English-language church in Old Town, Prague. I love his blog! He comments on church matters, expat life in the Czech Republic, his travels, etc. It's a terrific read with wide readership and he gets lots of comments on his blog because he has such a wide community.

Benedikt F.
21:58 PM November 28, 2012
21:58 PM November 28, 2012

The blog always tells interesting stories, written with an astounding attention to detail. The blog is always insightful and smart, as smart and intelligent as its author!

22:42 PM November 28, 2012
22:42 PM November 28, 2012

Fascinating accounts of life in Prague, and visits to other places. For those of us not so widely travelled they're windows on a world we would otherwise not encounter, and Ricky describes things so well - and the photographs are brilliant, too. Although not yet a blogger myself (intending to start, but...) he is a great inspiration and an example to follow. A most worthy contestant for the top award.

06:01 AM November 29, 2012
06:01 AM November 29, 2012

This is an excellent blog about what it is like in Prague! It is amazing (and weird?) when I read something Ricky Yates wrote and think "I could have written exactly the same when I lived in Prague!" Except I could not have done it anywhere as intelligently, eloquently or interesting (and a multitude of other similar adjectives!) as he does.

Mike In Bohemia
07:49 AM November 29, 2012
07:49 AM November 29, 2012

As a long-time English expat in Czecho I enjoy this blog very much. It is interesting, informative, well-written, respectfully humourous and balanced, and gives great insights into engaged Czech expat life as well as the culture, history and places of interest in the whole republic. Ricky answers comments promptly, often triggering interesting exchanges. This blog has my vote :-)

11:30 AM November 29, 2012
11:30 AM November 29, 2012

One of the best expat blogs I know.

Michael & Karin
11:46 AM November 29, 2012
11:46 AM November 29, 2012

Yes, when we want a touch of expat life in Prague we turn to Ricky's blog. The quality of the writing is a big plus and the reader can rely on his accuracy, which is uncommon in the blogsphere.

16:57 PM November 29, 2012
16:57 PM November 29, 2012

Ricky's blog is an excellent take on life in Prague. I've lived here for 6 years, and Ricky captures the sublime and the "aburdistan" of life not only in Prague, but in the Czech Republic. I highly recommend Ricky's blog if you'd like to get a taste life expat life in Prague and the Czech Republic!

Stephen Morris
23:21 PM November 29, 2012
23:21 PM November 29, 2012

Ricky's blog is an excellent guide to ex-pat life in Prague, one of my all-time favorite cities! His blog helps me keep in touch with this beautiful, marvellous place in between visits! He describes wonderful, out-of-the way corners as well as articulates the love we have for this great city!

20:25 PM December 01, 2012
20:25 PM December 01, 2012

Ricky was my Rector when I worked in Oxford Diocese, so ever since he came to Prague to be Chaplain there, I have followed his blog with interest and enjoyment. It is so informative and well written and illustrated that when I visited Prague two years running to act as Locum Chaplain, I already felt that I knew a lot about the city and the culture, instead of arriving as a stranger to both. A very well-deserved nomination and hopefully a worthy winner!

Pearl Of Tyburn
23:45 PM December 06, 2012
23:45 PM December 06, 2012

I enjoy reading Ricky Yates's blog because he brings up a variety of fascinating subjects, including the ups and downs of life as a British ex-pat, international politics, and religious happenings. In addition, he always supplies some lovely photos of the Czech Republic and beyond for the perusal of his readers. Although we don't always see eye-to-eye, Ricky Yates is always polite in debate and answers comments within a reasonable ammount of time. He also has a fine British sense of humor which makes it fun to engage in conversation with him on his blog ;-)

Paul Shorten
21:07 PM December 07, 2012
21:07 PM December 07, 2012

Ricky's blog posts are eagerly awaited they are informative amusing and incisive ! Ricky tells it as it is but always with the sensitively of a guest abroad. His insight into Prague customs brings to life in a special way his experiences with officials and restaurants alike and his constant efforts to improve the English translation of Czech menus is most amusing.! ! Ricky's blog also contains some fascinating photos and of particular interest is the rare snow leopards . Ricky, thank you for bringing the ex pat experience to life and giving so much pleasure !

16:05 PM December 09, 2012
16:05 PM December 09, 2012

I love Ricky´s blog!

17:39 PM December 10, 2012
17:39 PM December 10, 2012

Ricky's blog is just like him, warm, intelligent and funny.

11:46 AM December 12, 2012
11:46 AM December 12, 2012

Ricky does a first class job with his Prague blog. He always does an excellent job writing and has very witty commentary. Good luck with the contest!

Russell Roe
21:22 PM December 12, 2012
21:22 PM December 12, 2012

A really good expat blog that covers a range of relevant issues for expats and anyone interested in the Czech Republic. I particularly enjoy reading about the numerous examples of Czenglish that Ricky encounters!

Martin Borýsek
21:50 PM December 12, 2012
21:50 PM December 12, 2012

I am so happy that Ricky is apparently a "hot candidate" for this award - he made me think of us Czechs in ways which had never occured to me before and this, in turn, made me both smile and think. A combination not to be despised. Thank you, Ricky. For a Czech who spends most of his time in the UK these days, it is especially enlightening to be able to share the experience of someone "on the other side of the mirror". All the more so when this someone is as observant and kind-yet-honest&sharp as Ricky.

21:50 PM December 12, 2012
21:50 PM December 12, 2012

I love reading Ricky's blog, as an expat who lived in CZ for 3 years, I am delighted to 'stay connected' to things Czech via Ricky's insightful commentary and delightful photos. I also really appreciate how many of his readers respond and create real dialog -- something I feel we need to encourage online!

22:44 PM December 12, 2012
22:44 PM December 12, 2012

I love Ricky's blog - funny, interesting, insightful. He combines acute observation with an intelligent view on life and religion, while living in one of Europe's most interesting cities, what's not to like?

Hana - Marmota
22:09 PM December 13, 2012
22:09 PM December 13, 2012

I enjoy Ricky Yates' blog for several reasons. As a Czech, I enjoy the insight it offers into the life in my own country. As a student of English language and culture, I enjoy the insight it offers me into the other side of the expat coin. And as a Christian, I enjoy the insight it offers me into Christianity. So it's three interesting and important things rolled into one. And then there's the fact that he writes very, very well, in the various meanings of that (others mentioned the accuracy, I would add that the formal side of things is also always good, not to mention the literary...).

James Shiels
00:39 AM December 15, 2012
00:39 AM December 15, 2012

I have loved Ricky's blog since I first found it almost two years ago. He does an excellent job of giving what is a rare insight into the role of an English chaplain in a nation where English is but a secondary language. Not only that but his posts on various towns and landmarks have really helped me to see the beauty of Prague and the warmth of its people. Thanks Ricky!!

Sharon Chao
20:50 PM December 15, 2012
20:50 PM December 15, 2012

I like his blog very much...

05:45 AM December 05, 2013
05:45 AM December 05, 2013

Ricky continues to do a great job blogging about life in Czechland. I always look forward to his informative and witty posts. Good luck with this year's contest.