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Blackgirl on Mars

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Blackgirl on Mars
NYC expat writer now living in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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- Finland is a country... 2 years ago Finland is a country....According to some conspiracy theorists (my son tells me), Finland is not real-- but here I am about to land. It's my second time here, and I can see the forests from up high, and this gives me comfort. The flight from Copenhagen to Helsinki is uneventful and short, two...
- plant school 2 years ago One of the markets that managed to fare well during the pandemic was houseplants - here in the west we invested lots of time and money on our plant relatives. And although it's a symptom of our general mass consumption, this one didn't annoy me as the usual transactional exchanges tend to. It...
- Friends 2 years ago Gratitude to friends who kiss your hand and so mend your heart.
- Life on Mars...I'm back! 2 years ago This was my view this morning. So happy to hear the birds and see the burst of nature outside my window. I've been thinking about this blog for quite some time now; wanting to get back into it.I've missed the platform and connecting with you. When I started this blog back in 2005, I had always...
- Hildred Balbirsingh (September 17th, 1924-February 10th, 2019) 5 years ago I had the honor of writing and presenting my grandmother's Eulogy at her funeral in Santa Cruz, Trinidad on Friday, March 1st. As you may already know if you're a long-time reader of my blog, my grandmother and I had a very close relationship.My name is Lesley-Ann and I am one of Hildred...
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