A Brit Abroad

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A Brit Abroad
I'm a 20 year expat from England currently living in California where I work and play. I have been called opinionated, rude and basically a gobby cow! This blog is rants, raves and comedy that Americans just don't get!
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  • My Christmas Card Excuse 5 years ago So it’s almost Christmas and over the last few months, my side business has really gone crazy and I’ve been rushed off my feet and working two full time jobs, or at least it feels that way.[*Yes, my side gig got in the way again and I started this post before Christmas and got side...
  • Diamonds - Always a Girl's Best Friend 6 years ago If you’ve ever read any of this blog, you will know that I actually quite like a tipple every now and then.  Not that I’m always drinking, mind you.  But when I do…..well....  [that sounds a bit bad really, doesn’t it?]Aside from that, I also have a bit of a problem with glasses.  No,...
  • The Joshua Tree 6 years ago It was 1994, it was August and it was one million degrees (which may be a slight exaggeration, but not much).  I don’t think you could get more of a difference in landscapes between south London and the southern California high desert.  Summer in London - probably either miserably hot and humid...
  • The Military Diet Experiment 6 years ago In a couple of months, we're going on a cruise and as you do, I looked in the mirror the other day and thought “Blimey, I need to go on a diet!”  I’m not sure I actually do, but I feel and look heavier than I feel comfortable with.  Probably because of married bliss and eating a lot of...
  • The Awkwardness of Meeting People from Home 6 years ago There’s always that moment and awkward conversation when I meet someone from England.  This is how it usually goes: “Hello, how are you? Fine thanks, and you? ……[Awkwardness]…. So, how long have you been here? …… 2, 4, 10,...

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