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Tea and Tacos
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- The Latin Boutique 8 years ago A few weeks ago, Manuel got in touch about his new business venture, The Latin Boutique. With his sister, Vanessa, he began importing artisanal goods from Mexico and Latin America, both to support local producers and to meet the growing demand for these kinds of items in the UK and Europe. I...
- Why the Ballet Folklórico de México captures Mexico perfectly 9 years ago In a flash, the stage is bursting with almost forty Juans and Marías whirling about at a hundred miles an hour, hankies in hand, dressed in dazzling costumes of orange and yellow like a bowl of zesty citrus fruit come suddenly to life. The first five minutes leave you simultaneously exhausted and...
- A Long Time Home 9 years ago Despite the lengthy break (insert torrential apology here) this blog definitely isn’t finished, I still have a long list of posts to write, and not a day passes when I don’t think of Mexico. In the meantime, I’ve been reading a lot, and I’m currently reading an incredible book with a...
- Tea and Tacos 10 years ago Originally posted on Soy Poblana: I am very excited to be publishing this guest post by Ellie Cusack, an English culture-enthusiast who fell in love with everything Mexican while living in Puebla. You can read more on her experience of Mexico on her blog, Tea and Tacos, at...
- Guest Post: La Posada- Having Ourselves a Merry Little Christmas 10 years ago Originally posted on Mexico Retold: When I first saw Ellie’s blog Tea and Tacos, I was immediately drawn to the name. It perfectly blends the Mexican and the English and it made me smile, as do so many of her posts. You can read in every word, just how much Ellie has fallen in love with...
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Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Tea and Tacos

Michael Barry
23:20 PM November 05, 2014
23:20 PM November 05, 2014

Thoughtful, distinctive, unique.