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Brave, or just crazy?

Brave, or just crazy?
After living in Montreal for the past 17 years, my husband and I packed up and moved our 3 boys to Singapore.
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Singapore Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in Singapore!
Copy and paste code to display the Honourable Mention Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 32 reviews on Brave, or just crazy?

23:26 PM November 15, 2012
23:26 PM November 15, 2012

So funny! Love reading this, cannot wait for each posting!!! Please more!

00:42 AM November 16, 2012
00:42 AM November 16, 2012

Great blog with some really excellent photography to boot! Written by someone with great sense of humor about all of the trials and tribulations of raising teen boys and all of the gritty, smelly, rough and tumble things that entails. Great travel tips as well, as the writer obviously enjoys learning about her local surroundings, and nearby vacation spots, and shares her enthusiasm with the reader. Really not just for expats, but expats will find a kindred spirit in it.

00:46 AM November 16, 2012
00:46 AM November 16, 2012

Niki is a very talented writer. Although she lives halfway across the world, I feel like I am experiencing her travels alongside her through her writing and her photography. I am so happy for her and her family that they are enjoying their new life in Singapore and I look forward to their next visit home, in Montreal.

Joye Cholet
01:17 AM November 16, 2012
01:17 AM November 16, 2012

Really well written....funny....touching....revealing.

Steve Cholet
01:26 AM November 16, 2012
01:26 AM November 16, 2012

I have always appreciated you humor, gift of words that make me smile, and beautiful pictures. Please keep writing and sharing.

Diana Mahmoud
08:06 AM November 16, 2012
08:06 AM November 16, 2012

This was the first blog I discovered when I first learned I was moving to Singapore. It is interesting and well written. I am so happy to have found a fellow expat so willing to share her experiences!

07:25 AM November 17, 2012
07:25 AM November 17, 2012

I really enjoy Niki's posts - and her photos are great.

09:05 AM November 18, 2012
09:05 AM November 18, 2012

I love reading of her adventures. Her sense of humor keeps things interesting and entertaining. Her beautiful photographs also bring so much to the experience. She IS Brave for taking this huge step in her family's life and I love the way she shares her adventures with us.

18:51 PM November 19, 2012
18:51 PM November 19, 2012

Your photos make me add all the places youvhave been to my bucket list. The stories make me laugh, thanks for sharing!

Neil Goldwax
03:10 AM November 20, 2012
03:10 AM November 20, 2012

Too funny and full of adventure!

Charles Coffin
03:23 AM November 20, 2012
03:23 AM November 20, 2012

I miss the Goldwax's... We all do. Niki's blog has become something we look forward to reading, it's a conversation piece at the dinner table. We know Niki just well enough to hear her voice as we read the blog posts. Her humor shines thru in a great way. I'm not surprised her blog is considered "one of the best". I hope she wins a prize, bust mostly I hope she keeps on posting.

04:22 AM November 20, 2012
04:22 AM November 20, 2012

Amazing blog!!! So wonderfully written!! Amazing!! I'm discovering Singapore thru her words and her photography! Love it!!

12:13 PM November 20, 2012
12:13 PM November 20, 2012

Vivid, engaging, and totally relatable, Niki takes us all along on her adventures through her well-crafted words and her breathtaking photos. Love this blog!

09:23 AM November 21, 2012
09:23 AM November 21, 2012

Brave or just crazy always has me daydreaming about where to visit. After reading her incredible post about Kangaroo Island, I ended up booking my family there for part of our January vacation. I love her photography and her positive, humorous outlook.

14:16 PM November 21, 2012
14:16 PM November 21, 2012

Love it! So well written - looking forward to more great posts.

08:36 AM November 22, 2012
08:36 AM November 22, 2012

Very nice blog! You should be a published writer!

Alicia Haley
12:33 PM November 22, 2012
12:33 PM November 22, 2012

I always get excited when I see you have a new post. Your blogs are fun, honest and entertaining.

Michelle Waite
00:33 AM November 28, 2012
00:33 AM November 28, 2012

Love Niki's wit and way of putting things in perspective. Very entertaining and down to earth.

Alan Ludwig
01:34 AM November 28, 2012
01:34 AM November 28, 2012

Niki's blog is amazing, funny, and insightful. She's obviously an intelligent and thoughtful blogger with an extraordinary brother. Hey, I'm just say'en.

00:44 AM November 30, 2012
00:44 AM November 30, 2012

Love it! Quirky and insightful

04:35 AM November 30, 2012
04:35 AM November 30, 2012

A refreshing and wonderfully written blog.

Mike Tarango
05:14 AM November 30, 2012
05:14 AM November 30, 2012

Your adventures sound amazing. I'm living my life vicariously through your writing!

13:20 PM November 30, 2012
13:20 PM November 30, 2012

Great work!

Gabriela Steinmetz
13:07 PM December 03, 2012
13:07 PM December 03, 2012

I know that when I see a new post for Brave, or Just Crazy I'm going to laugh, see some terrific photography and learn something about a place I've never visited. Love Niki's posts and her sense of humor!

Kris Broderick
14:36 PM December 03, 2012
14:36 PM December 03, 2012

Funny & well produced.

Phyllis M Hand
01:46 AM December 04, 2012
01:46 AM December 04, 2012

Love this blog. Well written, witty and informative. Definitely deserves an award!!

Suzanne Cholet Hughes
06:21 AM December 04, 2012
06:21 AM December 04, 2012

Niki's blog is always entertaining and delightful and I love her photography. She has such a nice way with words and has a marvelous sense of humor. When I see her blog plop into to my mailbox I drop everything to see what's new with Niki and her family.

12:28 PM December 04, 2012
12:28 PM December 04, 2012

Lovely and touching. Beautiful insights.

Bill Hughes
15:18 PM December 04, 2012
15:18 PM December 04, 2012

Niki's ability to explain her adventures to the reader is extremely insightful and entertaining. She is an accomplished writer and photographer. I feel like I am traveling with her and her family and getting a birds-eye view of the the boys growing up through the eyes of their mother. Just a great blog which I always look forward to reading.

15:41 PM December 04, 2012
15:41 PM December 04, 2012

Niki writes beautifully and with great insights. I always enjoy reading this blog!

17:12 PM December 05, 2012
17:12 PM December 05, 2012

You are such an awesome writer!

09:29 AM February 06, 2013
09:29 AM February 06, 2013

Funny blog! Love a Canadian view of Singapore, eh...