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Culture Shock

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Culture Shock
Environmental Education volunteer with the Peace Corps in Peru from September 16th, 2010 through November 27, 2012
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- Addendum: An Unexpected Trip 8 years ago Since we moved to Croatia, many people have asked me what I miss most about the States. My response is #1: Family and friends, and #2: Baseball. Of course the former makes a lot of sense. The latter, on the other hand, in a culture where baseball is just in the movies, takes most off...
- It's Time to Go 8 years ago As I mentioned earlier in the week it's time to wrap up this blog. And although I don't have much more to say, I do want to conclude fittingly.The theme of this blog has been culture shock. Originally I started it primarily as a way to process the move from America to Croatia. But it also had a...
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- Be Ready! 8 years ago The fifteen of us were in Poland surrounded by wooden structures of various shapes and sizes. We had traveled 12 hours from Croatia to live in tents for a week. In my calculation we formed the smallest campsite of all the villages that totaled 7,200 campers. We were at Royal Ranger (RR) Eurocamp...
- Home 8 years ago Where is home?Petra and I lived in Orahovica for 9 years - longer than I've lived in any one place in my life. Without a doubt I considered Orahovica home. The house we lived in, our four kids who learned to eat and walk there and the daily routine all contributed to us calling it home.So how will...
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Website Reviews » There is 1 review on Culture Shock

Des Johnston
17:49 PM October 03, 2013
17:49 PM October 03, 2013

Came upon this site and blog,..by stumbling along. Hope I can find it again. It is more meaningful than anything I expected. I'm hoping Jeremy and his family are doing well.