Laura and Peter Down Under

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Laura and Peter Down Under
A blog about my adventures in Melbourne, Australia consisting of travel, food, and daily life.
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  • End of Summer 6 years ago It's kind of hard to believe that summer is basically over. It won't feel like fall until at least November here, but Labor Day has passed and school has started so I guess that makes it official! Here's a few thing we've been up to lately:A couple weekends ago, Ali, my coworker Nicole, and I went...
  • A Goat and Froyo 6 years ago This weekend was pretty epic, mostly because of our Sunday activities, which I'll get to in a second. I was driving Ali's car the other day and turned around to get something in the back seat and saw this hilariously ironic ice scraper. I try to explain to friends at work the torture that is...
  • The Best Pool Day Ever and a Visitor! 6 years ago We've been pretty busy around here lately! My step-mom, Loree, came to visit for a few days and we fit in a ton of fun Austin activities. I just noticed while looking through pictures that I took next to zero photos of actual people these past few weeks. Whoops!The weather has pretty much...
  • Day Trips: San Antonio and Lockhart 7 years ago This weekend, we decided to head back down to San Antonio so Kathryn could see some of the sights while she's still here. It's been so fun having an additional roommate this summer and she's only here for a couple more weeks before she is off to Israel in August before finally heading back to...
  • Weekend Recap 7 years ago This weekend consisted, as usual, of a bunch of food and hot weather. Story of our summer down here! On Saturday night we were looking for somewhere to get dessert and among the ten million various ice cream places, we found this bite-sized cheesecake food truck. Because that sounded like a  lot... Featured Expat Blog Badge:

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