A Momma's View

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A Momma's View
My thoughts about homeschooling, health and fitness, being an expat, kids and just life in general. My personal Lifestyle Blog!
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  • Well, hello there, it's been a while 3 years ago I seriously have no clue who will even read this. After all I’ve been missing in action for a long time and you all might have moved on and found someone else to connect with. I didn’t even have time to check out any posts you might have made. I just felt like sitting down […]
  • Repost - Running Out Of Outlets 4 years ago “Anyone protesting should forfeit their rights to receive any medical care. NONE. You are putting the lives of anyone you come into contact with because of your boredom and selfishness. You are putting every single healthcare worker’s life not only at an increased risk, but your disrespect for...
  • Blast From The Past - The People We Are Meant To Meet 5 years ago Do you sometimes wonder why you meet certain people? Well, I do. I also do believe quite strongly in encounters being lessons for you to learn. I strongly believe that you don’t “just” meet someone. Everyone has something to teach you. You might not see it in the beginning but you will...
  • Danger 5 years ago Originally posted on A Momma's View: Australia is well known for it’s special, unique and also dangerous animals. One of the things that have fascinated me from the very beginning are the different kind of jelly fish that are lethal. While the box jelly is one you can actually spot and hope...
  • Blast From The Past - Raise Good Men... 5 years ago Funny how it all comes back up to the surface just because having a conversation with a friend of mine. Because obviously things like this happen. They happen regularly. Which is in itself way too often. And it triggers me just the way it triggered me back then. Not as much for me. Because frankly:...

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Website Reviews » There are 8 reviews on A Momma's View

David Prosser
05:08 AM October 27, 2016

Always a blog with an interesting subject and a friendly welcome.

06:41 AM October 27, 2016

Keep up the good work!

Linda Bethea
08:23 AM October 27, 2016

I have been following this writer's Wordpress blog for a couple of years. She is unfailingly generous, bringing unfailingly pertinent and thought provoking content. Though I have never met her, I consider her a friend. I can'5 wait to open her posts.

13:58 PM October 27, 2016

It seems like A Momma's View is always reblogging, linking, or is some way bringing attention to her fellow bloggers, their hopes, and their good causes. I admire the big heart of A Momma's View. It is truly a bloggers blog.

15:12 PM October 27, 2016

Awesome blog! I have been following A Momma's View for a while now. Probably the most read blog I follow. Such a wide range of topics. One of my favorite categories is the couples category in which she features other bloggers love stories. If you haven't visited this blog you need to.

21:11 PM October 27, 2016

Interesting views on life and parenting - the good and bad.

Les Petits Pas De Juls
20:28 PM November 02, 2016

This blog is witty, funny, intelligent and brings to our attention mundane or very specific subjects that make us think. Think about life, about life abroad, homeschooling, little things, grand things, love, travels and so much more. Sandra has a voice here that is absolutely fabulous to listen to/read about and a blog that everyone will enjoy!

20:41 PM November 29, 2016

Great blog with many relevant topics. I am an avid reader.

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