What Am I Doing in France

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What Am I Doing in France
American expat who followed her husband to France blogs about life in France, including raising a toddler, travel, food, and more.
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  • A Plus Tard... 10 years ago Toto, we really are not in Paris anymore.Follow our new adventures at What Am I Doing in Brooklyn. I know, it's not the same. But the bagels are better. 
  • Brave New World 10 years ago Paris feels like a dream.  I find myself thinking, "Was that really my life? Did we really live there? Did we really do those things, go to those places, speak French every day?"  I can't spend too much time contemplating this transition because it makes me tear up a bit - and I simply haven't...
  • No Regrets 11 years ago I wouldn't change a single thing about the last two years.There were days when all I wanted was to go "home" but even more days when I reveled in all that was magical about this city.  There were days when I was so tired I dreamed about a brief hospitalization for a non-threatening illness but...
  • All the Lasts 11 years ago It's time for the lasts. The last Sunday afternoon in the park.  The last day picking Baby Oil up from halte garderie. The last time having friends over for an afternoon gouter.  The last visit to our favorite patisserie (okay, maybe we'll squeeze in one more). The last time making foie gras...
  • Sticky Toffee Pudding 11 years ago I can't get enough of the UK.  I am in nation-love.  There are the accents, from the rarefied posh London accents to the heavy Cockney accent to the cheerful Scottish brogue.  There are the weekly magazines, of which Hello! is my personal favorite.  It's like US Weekly, but with dukes and earls...

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Website Reviews » There are 28 reviews on What Am I Doing in France

22:39 PM November 04, 2012

I find this blog very entertaining, and since I also live in France with my wife and young son, it's very pertinent for me. Full of great recommendations too!

10:07 AM November 05, 2012

I'm a mom in ny and I love to read about what it's like to be a mom in France. I love France and hearing about the backwards French system is highly amusing. The photos are scenic and descriptive too! I love this blog and wish I had entries coming faster because they're so fun to read.

12:01 PM November 05, 2012

This is my favorite blog! It is an authentic, witty and entertaining look at an expat's family life in France. With wonderful photos, accurate historical information and,luscious food details, the author "tells it like it is." The author has a great sense of humor about challenging situations and each post can leave you laughing out loud(or almost in tears)and always anxious for the next chapter!

13:09 PM November 05, 2012

You are an amazing writer. If you decided on another career what about a future author!! Your books would sell!! I would be first in line to buy anything you write!

Mel Rothberg
13:31 PM November 05, 2012

Content full of great information, personality and love only to be topped off with the most colorful photos.

Patti Slavin
13:52 PM November 05, 2012

Fantastic! I love reading your blog and so happy to hear others agree. Congratulations.

14:30 PM November 05, 2012

This blog deserves 10 stars. There is no better way to learn about family life in France. When this blog describes an event, an activity, an adventure, you believe it and feel like you are there. The pictures are extraordinary and add to the description. I look forward to every entry, never knowing what may come next

16:36 PM November 05, 2012

This blog is the highlight of my day- hysterical and witty!

18:40 PM November 05, 2012

this blog is tops. so authentic and witty - it always makes my day when there is a new post.

Sheri Nusbaum
19:59 PM November 05, 2012

From her first blog, I was hooked. She is a beautiful writer, witty, descriptive, and a real trooper. Her family is experiencing the time of their life and I feel like I'm right there to enjoy it.

21:54 PM November 05, 2012

This is my favorite blog. I read every entry and I'm totally entertained and educated. In fact, after visiting Paris over the summer, I visited many of the destinations that Mrs. Oil so eloquently describes. The photos that accompany the stories are wonderful. What a wonderful experience for this beautiful family. This blog should definitely win an award, as it has won many hearts including mine. Bravo!

00:56 AM November 06, 2012

Ever since I heard about this blog, I was hooked. Thankfully I was able to go back and read the ones I had missed. The first thing I do when opening my e-mail, I checked to see if a new blog was shared with us. I can't wait until an new one is posted. I have traveled, years ago, in many of the places Mrs.Oil writes about, so reading her blog brings every thing I saw back to me. What a joy. I hope she continues thes blogs for as long as she is in Paris. And one more thing....how can you not read this,just to see Baby Oil. He is adorable!

04:07 AM November 06, 2012

LOVE this blog. I feel as though I am exploring right along with them. I just wish I could taste all the amazing food that they try.

22:17 PM November 06, 2012

Dear Liz, We enjoyed the CHOCOLAT blog as well as all the previous ones. In our opinion, "not being biased" BABY OIL stole the show with his DANCING. The aroma of the chocolat came all the way across to Florida. Please keep up the blogs, it keeps us busy. GOOD LUCK NANA AND PAPA

17:10 PM November 07, 2012

This is the next best thing to being in Paris and a wonderful source of travel information for France and other European destinations. Can't wait to get to Paris and taste some of the food so lovingly described. And then there is Baby Oil - so much cuteness!!

Jenny C.
07:17 AM November 09, 2012

Great blog! Fun and great personal stories. Makes me want to run to France. And Baby Oil is the cutest!

Cynthia R
18:30 PM November 17, 2012

This blog is great. I love the combination of information and humor! I am always looking forward to her next post and hearing about the adventures of Baby Oil!

The Yager Family
00:22 AM November 18, 2012

Great idea! What a great blog.... I am keeping notes for a family vacation to France!

Mrs. Foie
21:02 PM November 29, 2012

I love reading the funny stories on this blog. Paris is such a magically delicious place, and reading this blog makes me feel like I'm there!

Reyna Z
21:02 PM November 29, 2012

Creatively written, always amusing, lots of life lessons to learn from this blog about American parents living in Paris. I'm a HUGE fan.

Julia Z
01:22 AM November 30, 2012

Both hilarious and thoughtful, this blog is a winner!

Jane S
12:38 PM November 30, 2012

This is the only blog I regularly read, and there is a reason for that: the writing. Like many of my favorite book authors, the whatamidoinginfrance writer infuses each entry with emotion and humor. As I read, I find myself rooting for the family's success as they navigate their adventure and agonizing over each setback. It should be, and could be, a book.

Gabby S
16:37 PM November 30, 2012

Love it! Both funny and honest, the stories let me live vicariously through the Oil family's French adventures. All with a keeping-it-real kind of edge.

18:14 PM November 30, 2012

Great writing + entertaining stories + terrific photos = an awesome blog and always a fun read!

Ryan M
00:30 AM December 06, 2012

I love this blog! Funny, interesting, profound, delicious -- I never miss a post.

13:22 PM December 11, 2012

LOVE this blog. It's honesty, it's entertainment value, it's parenting perspective. It's the best.

15:23 PM December 12, 2012

This blog makes me miss Paris. Very entertaining.

17:20 PM December 12, 2012

Always entertaining and amusing-- With the pictures and creativity, I feel like I'm there too! LOVE!!!

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