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A kiwi expat in Greece for almost a lifetime with a love for both countries. I love to record life in my adopted country as I see it today and remember how it was 'back then'. This my view of life on a small Greek island.
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  • 1 am Fears and Thoughts 2 years ago  1am plus 8 minutes. I had to get up to have a pee. I lie down. The window above the bed is wide open with only  mosquito netting. Dammit  I can smell smoke. I had a look out but no flames, no glow in the sky. It's sort of a stale ash smell so I hope it's only smoke drifting over from wild...
  • Mediterranean Lunch 2 years ago  Fresh and healthy with an overload of olive oil.It doesn't bear thinking about the calories. So I don't. I'll be going swimming this afternoon. A little exercise will balance em out. Weather permitting. The north wind blows rubbish straight on to our local beach.  I don't like swimming amongst...
  • Getting it Off My Chest 2 years ago First our dear neighbour Turkey or Türkiye as it now calls itself. The difference? None. I listen to the news and recognise their leader's voice. Time to change channels.   Greek news says that he's  unpopular in his own country, (Türkiye), and their economy is going to crash. But their news...
  • Pease Pudding Cold 2 years ago  Split pea purée, fava in Greece, is indeed very similar to the English please pudding. It can be eaten hot but is preferred cold. Around here it's mixed with oodles of olive oil and eaten with raw sliced onion.I have made a small batch. Ours will be accompanied by a Greek salad and a few fried...
  • Fiestas...no church involved 2 years ago Summer is the time for lots of celebrating.  But then so is winter, spring and autumn here.The Nemean Games took place over 24-26 June this year.  If you want to take part in an ancient athletic competition then make a note  for 2024.  The runners are grouped by age and gender and run, or walk,...

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07:40 AM August 19, 2017

Very interesting

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