Expat Adventures in Singapore

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Expat Adventures in Singapore
My experiences, both the good and the bad, during my expat adventure in Singapore.
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  • And That's That 8 years ago Well I've reached the end of my Singapore posts and so I guess this really is going to be the last post on this blog! I promised I wouldn't just leave the blog hanging and while it may have taken awhile (we left Singapore in April) here we are.Thank you to all of you for reading the blog,...
  • East Coast Sunrise and Sunset 8 years ago Whilst we lived in Singapore we chose to live in the east coast area, specifically Katong. It was just chance that took us there, in fact my husband originally wanted to look at other areas but the agent he used when he first moved to Singapore took him there and we ended up living in the same...
  • Sembawang Park 8 years ago On our last Sunday (sob) in Singapore we made the trek to the north of the island to Sembawang park as it's an area that we'd never been to previously. Sembawang park like many others in Singapore is the perfect place for those living in the vicinity of it to get away from the hustle of the city...
  • Street Art and Shophouses of the Everton Road Area 8 years ago With time going against me in the rundown to our departure date I knew I just had to pick out a couple of things that I wanted to try and do before we left. As part of my Red Dot Roaming posts and just generally I had an ongoing, ever increasing list of places etc. that interested me. One of these...
  • Coney Island 8 years ago Somewhere I was determined to get to before we left Singapore was Coney Island or Pulau Serangoon as it is also known. So we earmarked a day and headed over there. We decided to get there by firstly revisiting a Red Dot Roaming walk that we'd done previously and entering Coney Island via this...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Singapore Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in Singapore!

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Website Reviews » There are 6 reviews on Expat Adventures in Singapore

Ellen Betts
08:09 AM November 09, 2012

I vote for Laura's blog as I read it all the time and find it fascinating to learn about Laura's adventures whilst in Singapore.

Lynne Wilkinson
16:47 PM November 09, 2012

I vote for Laura's blog. I have been following Laura's blog since it started. She has covered moving from the UK to Singapore, the sights of Singapore, good places to eat and visit and these are always well written and interesting.

03:20 AM November 10, 2012

I read and contribute to this excellent blog, gets my biased vote every time.

07:11 AM November 26, 2012

One of the first blogs I found when looking into my move to Singapore. Helped reassure me that everything would be fine :-) And have now become friends with Laura in real life too so of course keep on reading! Thanks

11:41 AM November 27, 2012

Awesome and informative blog which I use for deciding where to eat and drink in Singapore.

Armada Adventure Bali
11:26 AM October 20, 2013

This is great blog, thank you for sharing

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