From Countdown to Kenya

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From Countdown to Kenya
Posts about an Irish girl volunteering in Nairobi. Topics include Kenyan politics, society and culture, my travels around the country and my personal experiences as an 'expat'.
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  • Most development work is office work 10 years ago This post originally appeared on the STAND website here. I have just moved back to Ireland after spending the past two and a half years in Africa. Before my return I lived and worked in Chad for 11 months for an international humanitarian agency. Being back in Ireland has given me the chance to...
  • Thoughts on my first marathon 10 years ago 5 weeks ago today I ran a marathon. If you have met me in the proceeding weeks you will probably know this as I will have, most likely, tried to tell you about. It already seems like eons ago but I wanted to get some of my thoughts down before it became too distant a memory.Picking up my race...
  • Diary of an Election Nerd 11 years ago I love elections on the best of days. I love watching counts trickle in. I love the tallies, the speculation. The fact that everyone becomes an expert on election. I love being able to use the word psephologist authoritatively. This love of elections has only grown/been more easily facilitated...
  • Watching from the Dug-Out/Being Benched 11 years ago I spent a good chunk of today, March 4th, in a hipster-like cafe in the Kisimenti district of Kampala. The appeal of the place was more it's decent wi-fi, rather than a strong desire for a chai latte. Why? I wanted to do some work for a few hours out of the office but I also wanted to follow the...
  • Women in Politics - The Irish and Kenyan cases 11 years ago Women in Politics - Global TrendsWomen make up less than 10% of the world's leaders. Out of the 193 countries that are members of the UN, only 21 have either a female Head of State or Government. Globally fewer than one in five members of parliament is a woman. And the 30 percent critical mass mark... Expat Blog Awards 2012: Kenya Silver Award!

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