Bring a Raincoat

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Bring a Raincoat
I call Alaska and New Zealand home. I'm an American expat in Dunedin!
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  • Spring! Today anyway. 11 years ago   It's that time again...  When the days are getting longer, the sun has a bit more warmth and the wood burning fire in our house is getting a rest (some days, and much to the cat's chagrin).  Soon, the clocks will Spring forward and after-work walks will be longer and dinner will be later. My...
  • The View From Here 12 years ago The view from Signal Hill in north Dunedin.  James and I spent about 1 hour walking up here on a crisp winter day.I just spent the last three weeks completing my field research away from Dunedin.  It was, as fieldwork always is, totally exhausting.  It was also productive and successful...
  • Roots Can Fly 12 years ago During my last visit back to the States, I finally managed to go through some of the family china that my mom has been keeping for me in her cupboard.  There's a full dinner set of my great-grandmother's that I have always loved.  The problem, of course, is moving a full dinner set of antique...
  • A Twist On Be-Longing 12 years ago Several weeks ago I went to a play at the University of Otago entitled, Be-Longing.  It was a lovely, innovative play about immigrants in Dunedin.  Upon entering the small theatre, the usher approached me and asked if I would please first head over to a map on display and put a pin where I feel...
  • House into Home 12 years ago My sister brought my childhood teddy bear over to me last week.  "Sunshine Bear" enjoys the view from his new digs in Dunedin. For most of my 20’s, everything I owned fit in my car.  When I moved to Alaska, without my car, all my possessions fit in my backpack.  My first year in New Zealand, I... Featured Expat Blog Badge:

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