Working Abroad - Expat Contests

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Here are the 19 entries for Working Abroad. This expat writing contest is now over and the 4 winners have been announced on the main Expat Life Themed Contest page. Look out for our next fortnightly contest, topic "Meeting Expats", coming very soon!

Bex (Rebecca Hall) Expats in Greece Working Abroad in Greece - TEFL
Amanda van Mulligen Expats in Netherlands Letting Go of the Career Ladder
Jenna Griffith Expats in United Arab Emirates The School in the Sand
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Latest Contest Comment Activity

We have 139 published comments!
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Here are the latest 5:
  • "So true. I just finally let go and now work doing inventory and software design. It's been an uphill battle but doing what you love is what's important." left by Michelle on Letting Go of the Career Ladder
  • "Wow. I wish it was like that here in the "land of the free, home of the brave". Ugh. I've worked in various office jobs and the culture, overall is way too uptight. No wonder Americans are miserable (stupid commute, dull tasks, stifling pay). You're considered a suspect alchy if you drink a beer during lunch for Christ's sake. From my..." left by John Thursday on What Australia did to an uptight advertising chick
  • "Soon i will be part of the group jobhunters in HK. What are the job possibilities for asians from oversea, who mainly speak english?" left by Winghang on Show Me the Money - Working in Hong Kong
  • "Hi Jenna, Yes, it really was hard. The reason being, they never taught us grammar properly at school, hence in the space of one month, you basically had to re-learn everything from scratch! It was tough, but the rewards of teaching foreign kids is great. And Sara Alexi's comments above highlight how important it is to understand culture..." left by Bex on Working Abroad in Greece - TEFL
  • "Not that many articles about abroad are so informative and fun to read as this one! Great job Janna!" left by Lolita on The Perks of Working Abroad

Top Comments Scoreboard

Spain Spain 504 comments
Singapore Singapore 394 comments
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 332 comments
France France 250 comments
Italy Italy 228 comments
Mexico Mexico 208 comments
Malaysia Malaysia 201 comments
Costa Rica Costa Rica 197 comments
Netherlands Netherlands 173 comments
China China 170 comments
USA USA 113 comments
Australia Australia 98 comments
Thailand Thailand 97 comments
Austria Austria 96 comments
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 95 comments
Germany Germany 89 comments
England England 85 comments
New Zealand New Zealand 83 comments
Honduras Honduras 59 comments
Panama Panama 58 comments
Croatia Croatia 57 comments
Kenya Kenya 53 comments
Israel Israel 51 comments
Colombia Colombia 47 comments
Taiwan Taiwan 37 comments
Hong Kong Hong Kong 36 comments
Bolivia Bolivia 34 comments
Mongolia Mongolia 31 comments
Cyprus Cyprus 30 comments
Scotland Scotland 27 comments
Czech Republic Czech Republic 23 comments
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Argentina Argentina 22 comments
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Djibouti Djibouti 20 comments
Albania Albania 19 comments
Nepal Nepal 17 comments
Canada Canada 15 comments
India India 15 comments
Korea South Korea South 15 comments
Switzerland Switzerland 14 comments
Greece Greece 14 comments
Paraguay Paraguay 13 comments
Qatar Qatar 12 comments
Myanmar Myanmar 10 comments
Bosnia And Herzegovina Bosnia And Herzegovina 9 comments
Nicaragua Nicaragua 9 comments
Sweden Sweden 9 comments
Guatemala Guatemala 9 comments
Ukraine Ukraine 9 comments
Oman Oman 8 comments
Belize Belize 8 comments
Kuwait Kuwait 7 comments
Japan Japan 5 comments
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 5 comments
Bangladesh Bangladesh 4 comments
Slovakia Slovakia 3 comments
Belgium Belgium 3 comments
Malta Malta 2 comments
Egypt Egypt 2 comments
Wales Wales 2 comments
Morocco Morocco 2 comments