(Ex) Expats in PNG

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(Ex) Expats in PNG
Lesley and family spent a year (junes 2011 - june 2012) living in Port Moresby, PNG.
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  • New beginnings....end of an era 10 years ago   You know that moment that is always in the back of your mind when the kids are young – “when all the kids are at school”. Well in just over a week that is me !! We made it…we survived. Scary, scary. Lucy is so ready. We had the little talk the other day […]
  • Hello Hello 10 years ago A very quick update as I have a zillion things to do, sleep is one of them. Lucy is fine, totally recovered from her hospital ordeal (and me too). So much of Lucys hospital stays are just a distant memory and some of it flashes back every now and again. We had one of our […]
  • The eve of a hospital admission 10 years ago A quick break from some work I am doing to debrief my thoughts…. It’s been such a crazy week trying to meet work deadlines as I am having tomorrow and Friday off. Peter flies in, in the early hours of tomorrow morning and Lucy and I head to the Mater at 10am. It is a […]
  • Plodding along 11 years ago I have a big excuse as to why I am so slack with blogging – I have about minus 5 hours left at the end of each day. I am a single working parent to three kids. Life is interesting and busy. Peter is on Groote Eylandt (top end of NT) working for BHP at […]
  • A year... 11 years ago A couple of days and we will have been back a year. Sometimes it feels like PNG was a lifetime away, other times not as much. It looks like Peter has a short term FIFO gig (to Gove)….still waiting on final paperwork. Not ideal, but good for him and some experience. Timing is good as […]

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