Expat Argentina

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Expat Argentina
Daniel Karlin is an American born, bilingual 5 year veteran of Argentina. His wife, Lourdes, who also contributes to this blog, is a Buenos Aires born bilingual Argentine.
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  • Learning Spanish in Buenos Aires 10 years ago Most expats will probably agree that Buenos Aires can be a difficult place to learn Spanish.  With all the crazy slang (aka Lunfardo), weird accents (shh shh shh) and the use of “vos,” it is really different from the Spanish spoken in all other parts of the Spanish-speaking world.  Plus it...
  • Things To Do This Week in Buenos Aires (Happy Malbec World Day!) 10 years ago So among other things is it Holy Week, Malbec World Day and some incredible number of Portenos will be heading to Mar Del Plata for Semana Santa, to enjoy the “last weekend” of summer. I went to Mar Del Plata twice and basically hated it both times. My basic reasons are that the beaches are...
  • Ruminations on Year 1 of Parenting in Argentina 10 years ago So as many of you know, I have lived here since 2004, which means I am coming up on my 10 year anniversary here. Wow. I feel old. Yeah I said it. Those of you who know me who are older than me can poo-poo this statement all you want, but that’s how I feel. […]
  • Staying Creative in Buenos Aires; What's On the Agenda. 10 years ago Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so enough of this staying beautiful/staying fit malarkey, how about some activity for our rusty cogs?  Of course, each individual wants to stimulate their grey cells in different ways but for me I love a bit of creativity; art, film and performance. Bring it...
  • Staying Fit in Buenos Aires 10 years ago So what’s my obsession with personal appearance at the moment right? Well, it’s not so much appearance that is the problem….it’s an age thing. I have started the 6 month count down to my 30th birthday. Nothing like a big milestone to get you thinking about how you are taking care of...

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