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Christopher's Expat Adventure

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Christopher's Expat Adventure
A blog about Christopher who relocated to Czech Republic through work at IBM.
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- Spaghetti Ice Cream 3 years ago After surviving the movie about a horse and bad popcorn we ticked off another item on the list. After dinner we went to the local ice cream shop in Friedrichshagen for spaghetti ice cream.Spaghettieis is a thing in Germany. It's vanilla ice cream pressed into the shape of noodles with...
- A Film About a Horse 3 years ago One of the things on Tünde's to-do list was to go to the local theatre and see Ostwind. It's a movie about a girl and a horse. It's actually the fifth and final film in a series but fortunately I didn't need to see the first four films to catch on to the story. A film about a girl and a...
- Schöneberg, Berlin 3 years ago Back in the 1920's Berlin was the Gay Capital of Europe. The world's first gay magazine even began in Berlin back in 1896. The Schöneberg district, near Nollendorfplatz, has long been the gay district of Berlin. Long before the Castro in San Francisco or Dupont Circle in Washington, DC,...
- TV Tower Breakfast and the New Castle 3 years ago One of Tünde's favourite things is the Berlin TV tower. It's near Alexanderplatz, one of my favourite areas in Berlin, and it was built from 1965 to 1969 by the East German government. You can't miss the tower. It is 368 metres (1207 feet) tall making it the tallest structure in Germany and...
- It's Going to be a Busy Week 3 years ago It's going to be a busy week. I took an early train to Berlin this morning and got to Friedrichshagen this afternoon.Tünde seems very excited that I'm here for a week. She's already started the to-do list. There's always a list. So far, the preliminary list has 15 things on it but I'm sure...
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- Top 5 Things I've Learned Living in Czech Republic Expat Blog Awards 2013 Top 5 Things I've Learned Living in Czech Republic1. Czechia (Czech Republic) is located in Central Europe; not Eastern Europe. Just look at a map and it's clear that it's located right in the middle of the continent. Eastern Europe has...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2013: Czech Republic Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Czech Republic!
Copy and paste code to display the Czech Republic Award Badge:ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: Czech Republic Gold Award!

This blog won the Gold Award for best expat blog in Czech Republic!
Copy and paste code to display the Gold Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 64 reviews on Christopher's Expat Adventure

L Kinne
02:51 AM October 18, 2012
02:51 AM October 18, 2012

My husband and I love to read and follow this blog. We have not traveled to Europe, but would someday love to. This blog is so very interesting to read. Christopher makes you feel like you are part of his adventures/travel and we have learned so much!!

16:00 PM October 18, 2012
16:00 PM October 18, 2012

Very interesting blog. I enjoy reading about all the places Christopher visits and how life is for him in the Czech Republic (one of the countries I'd love to visit). I always look for new posts to appear from him in my blogroll.

17:55 PM October 21, 2012
17:55 PM October 21, 2012

I enjoy reading Christopher's blog! I love reading of his experiences being in the Czech Republic and I love the history lessons he's highlighting. I think he's an excellent story teller and I can personally picture his experiences and the places he's speaking about as if I'm there with him.

19:40 PM October 21, 2012
19:40 PM October 21, 2012

Always fun, thanks Chris :)

Tomas Kopecky
18:31 PM October 22, 2012
18:31 PM October 22, 2012

he`s my boss so I have to give the highest ranking if I want to get some salary raise

19:52 PM October 23, 2012
19:52 PM October 23, 2012

i am an expat living in the czech republic and christopher's posts are always interesting and usually helpful!

Claudia Koss
13:28 PM October 25, 2012
13:28 PM October 25, 2012

Like Chris, I am living in Brno, Czech Republic since summer 2009. We went through tons of adventures together and just had tons of fun in Czechland. His Blog is like a little diary and just love to read it here and than and follow up what adventures we had together and what new treasure spots we found in Czechland! As well always use it as a reference to friends and visitors coming to Czechland to find some preparation time and spots they could visit and get insights!Overall love the history & education I get aside with details we keep forgetting to fast;)!!! Love the blog and can just recommend any Czechland visitor to have a look at it!!!GO CHRIS GO CHRIS!!!! :)

14:35 PM October 25, 2012
14:35 PM October 25, 2012

Wow, one feels so identified with this blog. Thank you Chris you are the best blogger I know.

18:59 PM October 26, 2012
18:59 PM October 26, 2012

Chris - your blog is super inspiring and teaching so much at the same time. Thank you for sharing your adventures and the details about Czech Republic!

19:56 PM October 26, 2012
19:56 PM October 26, 2012

Just great!!!!

El Hungaro Loco
10:34 AM October 27, 2012
10:34 AM October 27, 2012

What I most appreciate about Christopher's Expat Adventure is that it is not any of those superficial travel blogs of someone who visits countries just to tick them on the map. There is some genuine interest and desire for a deeper understanding of the lands and cultures behind - and seeing our European selves through American eyes might even help us to a better understanding of them. So for me this blog is also an intercultural journey of the mind. Five stars.

Zuzka Domonkosova
01:09 AM October 28, 2012
01:09 AM October 28, 2012

Christopher's blog is one of the best I've read! Adventurous,exciting, funny and educative at the same time; makes me miss Euroland even more.. :)

09:54 AM October 28, 2012
09:54 AM October 28, 2012

as a czech, its interesting for me to see (and read) how my country is being perceived. Even thought i know my country well, due to Christopher i could learn about interesting things, special places i normally would not pay attention. So thank you Chris for documenting your cool adventures !!

11:30 AM October 28, 2012
11:30 AM October 28, 2012

Has loads of useful information re Brno practicalities, as well as having interesting facts/figures/information about the fun places Christopher goes on his adventures. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to join in!

14:36 PM October 28, 2012
14:36 PM October 28, 2012


15:09 PM October 28, 2012
15:09 PM October 28, 2012

One of the greatest thing about having a friend who travels all around and who is sharing this experience is that I can see places, cultures, people through a real experience. Chris's blog is like an enthusiastic encyclopedia full of colors and adventure!

15:19 PM October 28, 2012
15:19 PM October 28, 2012

Cheers Chris, your blog is awesome and informative, I found out new things about Czechistan, even thou I live here since 2 years :) Keep up the good work! Zsolt

16:37 PM October 28, 2012
16:37 PM October 28, 2012

Zdar vole! :-))) I realy like your blog because you definitely see my country from a different angle! This helps me to realize all the (sometimes funny) differences - you like to use the word loczech (instead of logic) for such things. I am just wondering when you will start to write your blog in Czech language! ;-)

07:27 AM October 29, 2012
07:27 AM October 29, 2012

To read your blog is always fun .-)

05:51 AM November 01, 2012
05:51 AM November 01, 2012

Awesome blog, I love to travel through your eyes.

Roger Spence
06:18 AM November 01, 2012
06:18 AM November 01, 2012

Chris and I worked together and travelled parts of the world for TGIFriday's. He always has a positive outlook and brings the good out in people. Glad he is happy with his IBM activities in CR.

Dot Head
06:23 AM November 01, 2012
06:23 AM November 01, 2012

Great blog... cant wait to visit the Czech R and see my favorite Beaner

07:14 AM November 01, 2012
07:14 AM November 01, 2012

that blog helped me a lot when I was taking me decision to move here 2 years ago!

12:19 PM November 01, 2012
12:19 PM November 01, 2012

I love reading about all of the great places Chris travels to. He does an amazing job making you feel like you were there too.

13:33 PM November 01, 2012
13:33 PM November 01, 2012

Great blog and lots of detail!

16:55 PM November 01, 2012
16:55 PM November 01, 2012

Once I started reading the blog, I come and check for new posts from time to time. Once I even found my photo there- was sooooo happy! Blog is really interesting and written in easy language.

18:46 PM November 01, 2012
18:46 PM November 01, 2012

I like this blog how my lovely country and also other countries around are seen by somebody coming from America. Chris, I look up to your persistance to write and your fitting observation. Good luck to continue!

23:26 PM November 01, 2012
23:26 PM November 01, 2012

Hey Chris, I've dropped in again after some time and was fun reading about USA for a change, glad you enjoyed it. Czech land doesn't seem so crazy anymore after seeing you in a swirling cup or eating animal style. Thank God for that!

Mary Elizabeth Bloom
23:53 PM November 01, 2012
23:53 PM November 01, 2012

Mighty is the blog that makes you want to go experience that, about which it is written! It is like reading a good book, you don't want to put it down... well, I can't wait for the next installment! Thanks Christopher and keep up the outstanding work!

Vernice Gex
23:58 PM November 01, 2012
23:58 PM November 01, 2012

I wait with great anticipation for the next chapter in Christopher's story. I enjoy traveling vicariously about Europe and seeing things through his eyes. Since I will be 90 soon, these are things I will never get to experience for myself, but I feel as if I have been there through this excellent blog! Great job and keep 'em comin'!

08:58 AM November 02, 2012
08:58 AM November 02, 2012

What can I say about Chris? .. Simply one of a kind.. as a person and as a professional (he is my boss too :D) .. This blog is a great way to share that with the world.

09:54 AM November 02, 2012
09:54 AM November 02, 2012

Hi Chris, your blog is SUPER! I like to read it! Good job! Just waiting for the next update......

10:00 AM November 02, 2012
10:00 AM November 02, 2012

Hi Chris, your blog is SUPER! I like to read it! Good job! Just waiting for the next update......

Dawn Lowe
10:39 AM November 02, 2012
10:39 AM November 02, 2012

All I can say is he makes me wish I was with him on his adventures! Wonderful blog, makes mewant to BE THerE!

Mark T
19:43 PM November 03, 2012
19:43 PM November 03, 2012

Hi Christopher - huge props for the blog! Extremely entertaining and wittily written. Thanks for sharing your Czech adventures with the world. Voted 5 stars because there is not a 6 star option :)

09:35 AM November 04, 2012
09:35 AM November 04, 2012

The moment you discover this blog, you are becoming curious what other adventures is Chris heading to and what other places he’ll be talking about, adventures and places that many people can maybe encounter only because of his kindness of sharing them with all of us. It opens magic doors to some of the countries, cities or traditions that you, yourself have dreamed about. But what I find most extraordinary about the blog is that it presents interesting facts or background information you were unaware of, even if you’re living in that place for a long time already. And the way he makes it is totally charming and persuading: enough details, but never overwhelming you with their amount, a kind touch of the personal encounters and feelings, a glimpse into the practicalities of living, working and travelling in Czech Republic and Europe, a snapshot into the diversity of our world and its people, into the differences that are not keeping us apart, but getting us closer. In one sentence, Chris’ blog is an amazing world to be by itself.

Tiny Avenger
20:17 PM November 04, 2012
20:17 PM November 04, 2012

It's nice to go to Chris' blog and read about his traveling and (funny) experiences, some of them that I've been part of. What I appreciate most is that he takes the time to write something down about all this whilst most of us don't. Keep going, Chris!

19:27 PM November 05, 2012
19:27 PM November 05, 2012

Christopher writes as though he were writing for someone who is blind and cannot see what he is doing. We who live elsewhere can easily visualize all he sees and does. His photography is excellent as well. He is very descriptive and quite funny at times. A natural writer!

09:11 AM November 06, 2012
09:11 AM November 06, 2012

I really like your blog Chris because because you are a very good story teller, and i never know what will be posted next :)

12:34 PM November 08, 2012
12:34 PM November 08, 2012

as you are 5star person, you deserve top rate ;)

18:52 PM November 09, 2012
18:52 PM November 09, 2012

Chris has an awesome blog because he is all over the place, does incredible things, and is insanely entertaining!

19:08 PM November 09, 2012
19:08 PM November 09, 2012

I really enjoy every single Christopher's blog post. And it's great opportunity to see Brno, my hometown, through the eyes of American expat.

Hassan B
19:23 PM November 09, 2012
19:23 PM November 09, 2012

I like this blog because it's got its Mojo working.

Citizen Of The World
20:28 PM November 09, 2012
20:28 PM November 09, 2012

Well done for your blog. Really enjoyed it.

18:21 PM November 10, 2012
18:21 PM November 10, 2012

Love living viciously through your adventures and experiences! And yeah, I admit that I'm (very) jealous of your travels around Europe. But mostly it helps me stay a little bit closer to a friend that I love and miss very much.

Azhar Khan
21:20 PM November 10, 2012
21:20 PM November 10, 2012

Very interesting blog, one enjoy reading about all the places like virtual visit, it combines the information & fun. Great efforts Chris keep it up.

R & R
22:06 PM November 14, 2012
22:06 PM November 14, 2012

Thank you so much for sharing your adventures - we too live them vicariously through your blog - and the research is also much appreciated.

20:25 PM November 15, 2012
20:25 PM November 15, 2012

Very cool. Really enjoyable !!!! Keep 'em coming :)))

21:45 PM November 15, 2012
21:45 PM November 15, 2012

I love this blog, because it's a perfect mix of Chris personal adventures here in Czechland (and Euroland) and many interesting & useful information about the country and the culture. It's very entertaining to follow the blog-stories regulary and lough about many shared experiences... ! So Chris please never stop writing and sharing all your adventures with us !!!

23:04 PM November 15, 2012
23:04 PM November 15, 2012

Great blog!

21:28 PM November 19, 2012
21:28 PM November 19, 2012

Very entertaining blog ;0)

Michael Morrison
22:22 PM November 27, 2012
22:22 PM November 27, 2012

The author is a talented and delightful writer who makes us feel like traveling to just about every place he writes about. Not only are the articles enjoyable to read, they are full of useful information. Thanks and keep up the great work!

15:24 PM November 29, 2012
15:24 PM November 29, 2012

Christopher's Expat adventure is by far my favorite blog. I look forward to each new post. The variety of Chris' content: travel, history, holidays, architecture, professional and personal experiences, among others, always keep the blog new and exciting. Chris is so talented in taking a cultural difference and explaining it in a way that makes the reader understand that the cultural difference is not good or bad but just different. He has a true gift of showing the common humanity and humor that transcends various cultures. I am excited to read about Chris’ future adventures and to feel as if I am there with him as I read his blog. Thank you for all your post. Keep up the great work.

20:58 PM December 02, 2012
20:58 PM December 02, 2012

I really like Christopher's blog. It's always interesting to see my country from different point of view. I really appreciate that Chris learns all the facts, history and the difficult language. I believe Chris has even more adventures that he hasn't shared yet, so let's follow his blog and see what he shares with us. :)

Alex V
17:56 PM December 04, 2012
17:56 PM December 04, 2012

Great adventure when reading Christopher's blog. Always looking forward for the next post :)

16:24 PM December 07, 2012
16:24 PM December 07, 2012

Thanks to Christopher I can see my country from a different point of view. I also learn about interesting places thanks to his blogs about the countries he visits.

19:29 PM December 08, 2012
19:29 PM December 08, 2012

Great blog! Entertaining, educational, just love it!

19:33 PM December 08, 2012
19:33 PM December 08, 2012

Chris's blog is really interesting!!! Cannot wait to hear more!

23:02 PM December 08, 2012
23:02 PM December 08, 2012

I love reading it

Russell Roe
21:58 PM December 12, 2012
21:58 PM December 12, 2012

I love reading this blog as I always feel like I learn something about the places Chris visits. Chris writes about an extensive range of issues so there is sure to be something that interests readers.

05:37 AM December 05, 2013
05:37 AM December 05, 2013

Love reading this blog! I look forward to seeing what Chris is up to! His writing is superb and I feel like I am standing right next to him on his adventures!

11:21 AM December 05, 2013
11:21 AM December 05, 2013

5 stars only? It is definitely AllStars!!!

21:45 PM December 05, 2013
21:45 PM December 05, 2013

Excellent! :D

Wayne & Liana Kinne
18:03 PM December 07, 2013
18:03 PM December 07, 2013

Chris continues to have the best information about Europe in his blog. We will use much of the information he has provided on our 1st trip to Europe next Sept 2014.