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UK Desperate Housewife USA

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UK Desperate Housewife USA
A little taste of America through my UK eyes.
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- And we're back... 9 years ago We’ve arrived back in Blighty. There is something oddly normal about arriving back in England with all that you know. No one’s commenting on our accents, Steve Wright’s playing Sunday Love Songs on Radio 2, we took the lift – not the elevator, I didn’t have … Continue reading →
- Desperate English Housewife in Washington, chapter 630 9 years ago Happy 4th July It seems apt that my final blog post here in the USA on this blog happens on the eve of 4th July. You know, the day before the day back in history when the Brits got walloped … Continue reading →
- Desperate English Housewife in Washington, chapter 629 9 years ago Desperate English Housewife in Washington, chapter 629.
- Desperate English Housewife in Washington, chapter 629 9 years ago Things about the USA that I won’t miss and things that America should adopt from the UK or just get rid of America, USA, The U.S, Uncle Sam – I loves ya, you know I do, but having been here … Continue reading →
- Desperate English Housewife in Washington, chapter 628 9 years ago UK vs USA: the final list! This is a tongue-in-cheek summary over a couple of blog posts about what I love about America, or what gets my British back up, and what I think it should adopt from the UK … Continue reading →
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- Being a Desperate Housewife in Washington Writing Contest October 2012 The Dream Once upon a time there was a wife and mother who liked her life very much and knew she was very lucky, but all the time she wished for more adventure. She dreamed of new lands and wished to see new things. She was troubled by these...
- Nine Random Things I Didn't Know About Living In America... Writing Contest March 2013 (Full Title:) Nine Random Things I Didn't Know About Living In America Before I Moved Here And Am Not Sure If I Am Glad I Didn't, But Which Are Now Fairly Integral Things in My Life As A British Expat In The USA We really do speak a different...
- The Top Four Reasons Moving to the USA Can Make You See Things Differently Expat Blog Awards 2013 This Top Four is based on the things that I think have encouraged me to change for the better as a person through my experience of living in the USA. This is because my expat opportunity in the States has helped me to see things differently. It’s...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: USA Silver Award!

This blog won the Silver Award for best expat blog in USA!
Copy and paste code to display the Silver Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 29 reviews on UK Desperate Housewife USA

02:20 AM October 25, 2012
02:20 AM October 25, 2012

What a witty writer! Hits the nail on the head with the differences between us UK peeps and the Yanks! Love it. So tongue in cheek, with a good dose of observational humour. Love it!

Kerry Stokes
06:58 AM October 25, 2012
06:58 AM October 25, 2012

I love reading this blog!

07:35 AM October 25, 2012
07:35 AM October 25, 2012

Laugh out loud observations, thoughts and feelings on life across the pond. You can almost smell it, feel it and touch it yourself when you read it! Love this blog, always looking forward to the next instalment!

11:38 AM October 25, 2012
11:38 AM October 25, 2012

The writer had me viewing Americans' habits and customs (myself) through different eyes. Upbeat, inquisitive and funny.

13:14 PM October 25, 2012
13:14 PM October 25, 2012

Claire's blog brings her and the USA right into our sitting room and makes me even more excited about our planned visit. Love her observations and comments and especially the inclusion of Harry's perceptions of life in his new environment. Keep it up, Claire!

15:23 PM October 25, 2012
15:23 PM October 25, 2012

Very much enjoying Claire's observations without the biased stereotyping. Witty and poignant. Keep up the great work Claire!

16:09 PM October 25, 2012
16:09 PM October 25, 2012

I'm becoming addicted to this blog - it's funny, perceptive and has a sharp eye for the little things that make life for an ex-pat in the US so different from that at home.

13:41 PM October 26, 2012
13:41 PM October 26, 2012

Just found this blog it's great

14:01 PM October 26, 2012
14:01 PM October 26, 2012

Love it!

15:09 PM October 26, 2012
15:09 PM October 26, 2012

I like the perspective, healthily respectful but not all-embracing of American culture. Its funny and sometimes poetic. Good luck.

09:50 AM October 27, 2012
09:50 AM October 27, 2012

I love this blog! Observations on America and the American way of life by a witty and perceptive writer. It makes me want to visit the States for myself. Keep writing!

09:56 AM October 27, 2012
09:56 AM October 27, 2012

More than a travelogue, this blog is laugh out loud funny as the intrepid writer finds her way through the world of American customs and culture.

Ian B
08:12 AM October 28, 2012
08:12 AM October 28, 2012

Terrific piece of real journalism that brings to life the days of the family but within a quite different setting for them. This is amusing, articulate, accurate reporting which shows how differences can be funny, or just interesting, or even tiresome but difference certainly makes for good conversation.

18:58 PM October 28, 2012
18:58 PM October 28, 2012

I love reading Claire's updates; they bring her new world to life and happily reflect her upbeat and positive outlook ... my favourite blog to date is the meeting of Gloria...it makes me chuckle every time I read ... SO looking forward to the Halloween blog...

19:35 PM October 28, 2012
19:35 PM October 28, 2012

Love this blog! I'm becoming addicted to it and look forward to the next instalment. Such witty, laugh out loud observations. Keep up the good work!

06:56 AM October 29, 2012
06:56 AM October 29, 2012

Just started reading this. Very interesting and amusing. Good luck.

Tom & Joan
11:59 AM October 30, 2012
11:59 AM October 30, 2012

The content is good and because the words flow smoothly it is easy to read - and go on reading

12:23 PM November 02, 2012
12:23 PM November 02, 2012

This is super fun to read. Always want to read more.

17:40 PM November 02, 2012
17:40 PM November 02, 2012

I await the next installment of this blog every day / week! Well written and highly entertaining. Claire has the gift of observation and writing!

Paul Drake
17:55 PM November 02, 2012
17:55 PM November 02, 2012

Great blog, particularly while the USA is so much in the news in the uk. Good writing and a non newsy perspective.

22:26 PM November 02, 2012
22:26 PM November 02, 2012

This is a great insight into USA life, reflecting on the funny side of life and the differences. I must-have read!

22:32 PM November 02, 2012
22:32 PM November 02, 2012

Lovely well written blog, always informative and very funny. Really should be serialised on Radio 4..

21:32 PM November 04, 2012
21:32 PM November 04, 2012

Your blog Claire, is giving us a real insight into some of what life is in the 'big apple' it's a great read.

16:13 PM November 05, 2012
16:13 PM November 05, 2012

Absolutely brilliant. Well written, insightful and humorous with a nice personal touch thrown in. Can't wait to read more.

12:09 PM November 06, 2012
12:09 PM November 06, 2012

Brilliant bubbly blog!

15:22 PM November 06, 2012
15:22 PM November 06, 2012

I love this blog - the writer has a real knack for observing the cultural differences and similarities between the UK and the US and never fails to amuse. Looking forward to reading more, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner!

15:33 PM November 06, 2012
15:33 PM November 06, 2012

So glad I stumbled across this blog!

21:16 PM November 06, 2012
21:16 PM November 06, 2012

I am converted to your blog - always amusing to read about your adventures. Especially Hooters. You must do them all!

17:21 PM November 07, 2012
17:21 PM November 07, 2012

This is one funny lady! She tickles my fancy and reminds me of ye merry olde england. This is a must read.